Are Cats Nocturnal? Experts Answer · Kinship

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Are Cats Nocturnal?

Does your cat keep you up at night? This ones for you.

by Dr. Chyrle Bonk, DVM
March 24, 2025
Cat awake while pet parent sleeps on the couch at night.
AD Astra Team / Stocksy

For many cats, turning the lights out seems to turn on their play button or activate their hunger. Or maybe it’s the fact that you’re lying down quietly that makes them think now is the time to get out their frustrations by attacking your feet or batting at your nose. Whatever the case, it may seem like cats are nocturnal, doing most of their business at night — but that’s not the case.

Cats are what’s called crepuscular, meaning they are most active during the early morning and late evening hours. Here’s everything you need to know about how a love of twilight and pre-dusk hours shapes their behavior, and how to prevent them from waking you up.

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Nocturnal vs. crepuscular

Many animals are truly nocturnal, which means they take care of business during the night and sleep during the day. Bats, skunks, raccoons, and owls are perhaps the most famous nocturnal animals who do their feeding, mating, and socializing in the darkness.

In contrast, cats, rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs, and deer are examples of crepuscular animals. Crepuscular animals take advantage of low light times, such as dawn and dusk, to feed. This is because they can see without being spotted as easily by predators.

Are cats truly nocturnal?

Though cats may spend some waking hours during the nighttime, it’s a myth that they are nocturnal. Instead, cats are crepuscular, being more active during the early morning and late evening hours and sleeping during the middle of the night and day.

Why do we think cats are nocturnal?

You’re probably thinking this article is balderdash, because your cat wakes you up all the time. Every cat parent has been there. Yes, cats can be active at night, but they will still focus most of their energy during those early dawn or later dusk hours. Being active at night may result from a lack of activity during the day, rather than their natural circadian rhythm.

Why are cats crepuscular?

It’s a common misconception that cats have night vision. Instead, what they have is a pretty fantastic ability to see in low light situations. Their eyes can take small bits of light that would leave us squinting and amplify it to see more easily when other animals can’t. This helps them hunt small mammals who are out feeding during dawn and dusk. Being active during low light also helps a cat stay hidden from their own predators.

Daytime and nighttime behavior of domestic cats

Cats have adapted their times of activity to match that of their prey. Even though your kitty probably isn’t stalking mice at four in the morning, it’s something that’s ingrained in their DNA. Because of this, some domestic cats may have an internal alarm that wakes them up in the wee hours, but then has them back asleep before you leave for work.

They may sleep through most of the day, only to be active again when you get home, through dinner time, and then (hopefully) ready to go back to bed when you do. All cats are different, and some will keep different schedules, especially if you have a less-than-normal schedule yourself.

Keep in mind, cats have no sense of the hour, so changes in time don’t affect them. They will still sleep and wake at the same times, regardless of what the clock says.

How do sleep patterns in domestic cats compare to wild cats?

Domestic cats share many characteristics with their wild counterparts, one of them being their sleep patterns. All cats, wild or domestic, tend to follow a crepuscular circadian rhythm, but wild cats may sleep a little longer simply because they are using more energy to hunt. Your cat may also adjust their schedule slightly to match more closely with yours.

If cats aren’t nocturnal, why does mine keep me up at night?

If your cat is bucking the system and spending the nighttime hours running a racetrack through your bedroom or meowing up a storm, it could be that you need to adjust their schedule a bit. Kitties need daily activity and attention, and if they don’t get it during the daylight, they’ll do it in the dark.

What to do if your cat keeps you up at night?

We all want to peacefully coexist with our feline friends, so you can try putting a stop to their nighttime antics with some of these tips.

Don’t punish your cat, but don’t reward them either

First things first, your cat isn’t trying to get you back for anything by keeping you up at night. They just have needs that haven’t been met. So don’t punish them — this may make things worse. You also don’t want to reward their waking behavior by getting up either. Instead, try to ignore their behavior or redirect them to something else. You should also put in some pre-bed work to get them to sleep better.

Exercise before bed

Though it may not seem like it, cats do crave daily activity. If possible, get some movement in before bed. This will help check that exercise box and tire them out, so they’re more ready for a full night’s sleep.

Provide daytime activities

If you’re away most of the day, make sure your cat has things to do. Mental and physical stimulation is important for every living creature, so providing your cat with interactive toys, puzzle games, or a furry playmate can help them get the activity they want at a much better hour.

Keep your cat out of the bedroom

Sleeping with your cat can have many benefits, but only if you’re actually getting to sleep. If your cat is keeping you up, consider locking them out of your bedroom. Instead, give them their own comfy space, such as a laundry room or bathroom where they can’t come scratching or banging at your door at night.

Bottom line

  • Though they may seem to get their kicks when darkness falls, cats aren’t nocturnal.

  • Instead, cats are crepuscular, being most active in the dawn and dusk hours, and sleeping during the middle of the night and day.

  • If your cat is keeping you up at night, try giving them more activity and attention during the day, and keep them out of your bedroom at night.


Are some cats nocturnal?

Cats can adjust their active hours here and there, with some spending more nighttime hours awake than others. But they aren’t considered to be truly nocturnal.

Why are cats active at nighttime?

Some cats may be more active at night because they aren’t getting enough exercise or stimulation during the day.

What do indoor cats do at night?

Most indoor cats will sleep through the middle parts of the night, often waking up in the early morning hours. Some may stay up later or wake up earlier than others, especially if their humans have a similar schedule.

Is it cruel to lock cats out at night?

Both you and your cat need sleep, so if your kitty won’t leave you be at night, it’s OK to lock them out of your bedroom. Instead, give them a comfortable bed, litter box, and water bowl in another area of the house.

Do cats ever sleep at night?

Most cats will sleep during large chunks of the night if they are given enough activity and attention during other parts of the day.


Dr. Chryle Bonk holds a vet

Dr. Chyrle Bonk, DVM

Dr. Chyrle Bonk has been a mixed animal veterinarian since 2010. When she's not practicing or writing about veterinary medicine, you may find her exploring the outdoors with her family or tending to her cows, horses, chickens, or cats and dogs.

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