Why Does Your Cat Headbutt You? Curious Cat Behavior Explained
Apparently, you should take it as a compliment.

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Picture it: You’re sitting at the table, minding your own business, reading a book (definitely not staring at your phone) when out of nowhere…bonk! Your cat headbutts you. You look up to see Bubba, the eight-year-old Abyssinian / Persian mix with the extra long tooth you found on the Staten Island Ferry after a particularly harrowing date, standing there, staring at you.
“Hello,” you say. “Why did you headbutt me?”

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opens in a new tabNothing. Bubba’s not much of a talker.
You return your attention to TikTok — er, your book. And…bonk!
“What?” you ask, suddenly noticing a wisp of wet belly fluff wrapped around that one extra-long tooth. There’s a hairballopens in a new tab a comin’, you think to yourself as you glance at your once pristine flokati rug, now dappled with remembrances of sick-ups past.
You turn back to Bubba. So cute. So weird. So frustratingly enigmatic. And as you gaze into his one good eye, your cat headbutts you for a fourth time. It doesn’t hurt or anything, but you are compelled to ask, “Why, Bubba, why?!”
What does it mean when cats headbutt you?
Headbutting “is one of the ways cats show affection,” says New York-based cat behavior consultant Jennifer Van de Kieftopens in a new tab. “My cats do it to each other, often. If they rub their cheek on you in the process, they may be marking you. Take it as a huge compliment.”
What are the reasons for cat’s headbutts?
There are all sorts of reasons why cats headbutt — here are some of the most common ones:
1. To show affection
Most of the time, headbutting (or head ‘bunting’) is just another one of the curious ways cats express their affectionopens in a new tab for you. It can also be a sign of respect for their human parent.
2. To mark their territory
Don’t you know that you belong to your cat, not the other way around? When a cat headbutts you, they’re also literally trying to rub their scent off on you so you're 'marked' as theirs.
3. To show their trust
Cats don't headbutt humans they don’t like or trust! And they definitely won’t headbutt a cat or other animal they don't get along with.
4. To express dominance
Sometimes cat headbutt because they are trying to show their power — this is common in households where there is more than one cat and they want to express dominance.
5. To get your attention
Hello, human, pay attention to me! You can’t really ignore your cat when they're headbutting you. They may just want your companyopens in a new tab or it may be them trying to tell you that their water bowl is empty.
6. Because something is “off”
Headbutting you doesn't necessarily mean something is wrong (see above) but if your cat is doing it excessively and you see other concerning behaviors, bring them to the vet because they may be sick or in pain.
How should I respond to my cat’s headbutts?
You may be wondering, Should I headbutt my cat back?! “You could offer your head to see if they’d like to bump it, but I’d leave it up to the cat to decide,” Van de Kieft says. “You can gently reciprocate when your cat does it to you by leaning in.”
Are there situations where I should avoid headbutting with my cat?
In general Van de Kieft says “it’s a sweet, affectionate behavior. If your cat is excessively marking you, I might be concerned that they are feeling insecure, in which case, you can alleviate their anxiety by providing consistent, positive, and predictable human-cat interactions.”
However, if it’s head pressing and not head butting, that’s a different story: instead of trying to rub off their scent on you, your cat might press their head against yours to indicate that they are not feeling well. If your cat also appears disoriented or in pain, go to your vet asap.
FAQs (People Also Ask):
1) Is headbutting a common behavior in all cats?
Headbutting is a fairly common behavior in cats — it’s a form of social bonding for felines and often a show of affection to you.
2) What does it mean when my cat headbutts my face?
Generally it means that your cat is showing their affection — they’re rubbing their scent on your head so you know that they trust you (and you belong to them!)
3) Are there other reasons for headbutting besides affection?
Other reasons cats headbutt include showing they trust you, marking their territory, getting your attention, and expressing dominance.
4) Should I seek professional advice if my cat's headbutting concerns me?
Any time your cat’s behavior is concerning you, of course take them to see the vet. Especially if they appear to be head “pressing” and not bunting.
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What Does it Mean When a Cat Headbutts You? (2023) What Owners Need to Knowopens in a new tab
Unlocking The Secret Language Of Why Cats Headbuttopens in a new tab

Charles Manning
Charles Manning is an actor, writer, and fashion/media consultant living in New York City with his two cats, Pumpkin and Bear. Follow him on Instagram @charlesemanningopens in a new tab.
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