7 Grooming Tools to Help Your Cat Look Met Gala Ready
Give them the day off from self-grooming.

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When it comes to their everyday hygiene, your cat is kind of like you — they’ve got it covered and don’t need any help, thanks. In fact, if you tried to give them a tongue bath, it would be as weird as them trying to help you wash your hair in the shower (awkward, unnecessary, and gross). Still, low-maintenance is not no-maintenance. And, as much as they may beg to differ, your cat could use a hand with their primping every now and then. We’ve rounded up six cat grooming products and one plush robe (because: this guy) you never knew you needed.
Btw, our editors (and their pets) picked out these products. They’re always in stock at the time we publish, but there’s a chance they’ll sell out. If you do buy through our links, we may earn a commission. (We’ve got a lot of toys to buy over here, you know?)

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Mai Lynn Miller Nguyen
Mai Lynn Miller Nguyen is a freelance culture writer who launched a neighborhood publication called The Pet Times while in elementary school. She is a devoted (read: obsessed) pet parent to Pippi, a spirited little orange cat who was found in the wilds of Michigan in 2020, has since crossed the country three times, and loves to climb trees.
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