What’s good for the pet parent isn’t always good for their kitty.
Can My Cat Eat...?
Kibble or canned? Fresh or dehydrated? Human-grade?! We’ll help you choose the best pet food on the market.
Can Cats Drink Almond Milk?
Yes... but should they?
Can Cats Eat Spinach?
It’s jam-packed with vitamins, after all.
Growth Charts
So, you have a new, tiny family member? Well, we’ll help you track their growth, keep an eye on their health, and even predict how not-so-tiny they’ll become. Just add their weight to start.
Start Chartingopens in a new tabCan Cats Eat Raw Meat?
They seem awfully interested in meal prep.
Can Dogs Eat Kiwi?
If they’re even interested, that is.
Can Cats Eat Eggs?
Breakfast, anyone?

Can Cats Eat Salmon?
They’ll be happy with this answer.
Can Cats Eat Pumpkin?
’Tis the season.
Can Cats Eat Onions?
Nope. Here’s why.
Ask a Vet
Pet health question that’s not an emergency? Our vet team will answer over email within 48 hours. So, go ahead, ask us about weird poop, bad breath, and everything in between.
Can Cats Eat Kiwi?
If they want some, that is.
Can Cats Eat Peas?
And what you should consider in their everyday diet.

Can Cats Eat Avocados?
Just don’t get out the guacamole bowl.

Can Cats Eat Peanut Butter?
The sweet-and-salty treat is OK in moderation.

Can Cats Eat Strawberries
Yes, strawberries are a nutritious treat for dogs.
Can Cats Eat Raspberries?
One of the sweetest summer treats.
Nutrition Calculator
If we could give our pets infinite treats, we would. But this tool will tell you the right amount to feed your friend.
Get Calculatingopens in a new tabCan Cats Eat Lemons?
They don’t go for citrus the same way you do. Here’s why.
Can Cats Eat Cherries?
Hopefully the answer is yes, because telling them no is the pits.

Can Cats Eat Popsicles?
They want to cool down, too!
Can Cats Eat Peaches?
Fat-peach season at the farmers’ market is upon us.
Can Cats Eat Oranges?
The question should be: Do they want to?

Can Cats Eat Pineapple?
It’s the season of tropical-fruit salads after all.

Can Cats Eat Mango?
It is the perfect healthy treat for you, but what about them?
Can Cats Eat Pork?
They want in on those barbecue bites...
Can Cats Eat Ice Cream?
They just want a little treat.

Can Cats Eat Hot Dogs?
Find out of if your kitty can come to the barbecue this summer.

Can Cats Eat Broccoli?
They shouldn’t share your broccoli cheddar soup, but...
Can Cats Eat Peanuts?
They’re not technically dangerous, but they’re not ideal.

Can Cats Eat Potatoes?
They just want a little bite...
Can Cats Eat Cucumbers?
We already know they’re scared of them, thanks to all those YouTube videos.

Can Cats Eat Butter?
Butter isn’t toxic to your cat—but despite what they tell you, they really shouldn’t eat it.
Can Cats Eat Yogurt?
A small amount is fine—but keep a close eye on the ingredients list.

Can Cats Eat Dog Food?
It shouldn’t be their main course. Here’s why.
What’s good for the pet parent isn’t always good for their kitty.
Can Cats Drink Almond Milk?
Yes... but should they?
Can Cats Eat Spinach?
It’s jam-packed with vitamins, after all.

Can Cats Eat Bananas?
Gwen Stefani taught us how to spell it, but can we feed this fruit to our cats?
Can Cats Eat Eggs?
Breakfast, anyone?

Can Cats Eat Salmon?
They’ll be happy with this answer.
Can Cats Eat Pumpkin?
’Tis the season.
Can Cats Eat Onions?
Nope. Here’s why.
Can Cats Eat Kiwi?
If they want some, that is.
Can Cats Eat Peas?
And what you should consider in their everyday diet.

Can Cats Eat Avocados?
Just don’t get out the guacamole bowl.

Can Cats Eat Peanut Butter?
The sweet-and-salty treat is OK in moderation.

Can Cats Eat Strawberries
Yes, strawberries are a nutritious treat for dogs.
Can Cats Eat Raspberries?
One of the sweetest summer treats.
Can Cats Eat Lemons?
They don’t go for citrus the same way you do. Here’s why.
Can Cats Eat Cherries?
Hopefully the answer is yes, because telling them no is the pits.

Can Cats Eat Popsicles?
They want to cool down, too!
Can Cats Eat Peaches?
Fat-peach season at the farmers’ market is upon us.

Can Cats Eat Pineapple?
It’s the season of tropical-fruit salads after all.

Can Cats Eat Mango?
It is the perfect healthy treat for you, but what about them?
Can Cats Eat Peanuts?
They’re not technically dangerous, but they’re not ideal.
Can Cats Eat Sweet Potatoes?
Yep—but the plainer, the better. Here’s why.
Can Cats Eat Chocolate?
No, no, no. Absolutely not. Here’s why.

Can Cats Eat Butter?
Butter isn’t toxic to your cat—but despite what they tell you, they really shouldn’t eat it.
Can Cats Eat Yogurt?
A small amount is fine—but keep a close eye on the ingredients list.
Can Cats Eat Shrimp?
They definitely want to...

Can Cats Eat Marshmallows?
These puffy delights are non-toxic to our puffy delights (aka cats) but that doesn’t mean they should have s’more (get it?).

Can Cats Eat Corn?
A few kernels won’t hurt, but think twice before doling out a bowl of the stuff.

What Human Foods Can Cats Eat?
We know they’re begging—but what’s safe to share?

Can Cats Eat Cinnamon?
You love the spice in your mulled wine and cider. Learn if your cat can enjoy it.

Can Cats Eat Pomegranates?
Vets want them to steer clear. Here’s why.

Here’s how to celebrate safely with your pet as you gather with friends and family.

Can Cats Eat Raw Chicken?
Careful — cooked chicken is way safer for your kitty.

Can Cats Eat Tomatoes?
A little tomato’s safe — with some important caveats.

Can Cats Eat Tuna?
It’s a classic kitty snack, but don’t go overboard.

Can Cats Eat Rice?
A warm bowl of rice is your cat’s version of comfort food.
Can Cats Eat Popcorn?
They want to enjoy movie night, too, you know.
Can Cats Eat Carrots?
Learn whether your little Bugs Bunny can crunch on the veggie.

Can Cats Eat Catnip?
They’re definitely pulling for the answer to be an emphatic “yes,” but...not so fast.

Can Cats Eat Grapes?
This is one you’ll want to bookmark.

Pass the fruit bowl — it’s treat time.

Yes, watermelon is a nutritious treat for cats.

Can Cats Eat Garlic?
It’s a human cooking staple, but your cat shouldn’t indulge.

Can Cats Eat Ham?
Skip the green eggs, but ham is OK — with a couple caveats.

Save the charcuterie for the humans.

Can Cats Eat Blueberries?
Go ahead and serve up the superfood — with a couple caveats.

Can Cats Eat Apples?
Yes, but the fruit might not hold much a-peel.

Can Cats Eat Bread?
Go ahead and give your carb-loving cat a few bites, but don’t hand over the bread basket.