Brittany Fulton, CTC · Kinship

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Brittany Fulton poses with her Corgi, Basil

Brittany Fulton, CTC

Brittany Fulton, CTC

    Brittany Fulton is certified in Training and Counseling with the Academy for Dog Trainers. She owns and operates her positive reinforcement dog training business, Dances with Dogs, in the Washington, D.C. metro area. Brittany has taught behavior modification courses at Washington D.C.’s Humane Rescue Alliance. She specializes in reactivity and fearful aggression issues.

    Brittany serves as chair of the Legislative Committee of the Animal Positive Coalition, striving to improve animal welfare through local regulations. Outside of her work with dogs, she enjoys cooking vegetarian meals and hiking with her husband and senior Corgi mix, Basil. Basil shares his home with his feline siblings, Nutmeg and Cannon.

    Articles featuring Brittany Fulton, CTC

    Two dogs are making contact, a puppy and an adult.

    How to Introduce Dogs

    First impressions are very important.

    Woman holding her puppy in her lap while he tries to bite her.

    Why Does My Dog Nibble on Me?

    Those little teeth are sweet, but they definitely don’t feel good on your hand.

    Dog training at leash with a puppy.

    How to Calm a Puppy Down

    Yes, it is possible.

    Dog Seeking Attention Owner Working On Laptop.

    Why Is My Dog Being Clingy?

    Your dog’s Velcro habits are cute—but not always convenient.