KinshipReviews from real pet parents
Need advice at 1 a.m.? Help navigating an ongoing health condition? Tips for a pet who’s lost their appetite? Here’s how Kinship Premium has helped pet parents when they needed it most.

Ask a Vet anything, anywhere, anytime.
“Basically like having a vet on call 24/7 to answer all my pet questions. Super helpful as a first-time dog parent.”
“Would recommend it to every pet parent or lover that can’t afford a vet visit every time we think our pets need it. Excellent response time and responses. Thank you!”
Wondering why they’re like this? We got you.
“We have been using this app since we got our 3-month-old mini Aussiedoodle puppy and it has helped us so much! I don’t know what we would’ve done without it when our dog was little.”
“I have anxiety and get pretty bad when my dog is acting weird which most of the time is nothing serious. I used to google her symptoms and would freak myself out just reading all the info. This app has given me so much peace of mind!”
Your pet’s diet, demystified.
“I use the app regularly for questions about diet, exercise, and behavior. Things I can and do just 'google', but the information can be overwhelming! Every vet has their own opinion of course, but it’s nice to just talk with someone and be assured your questions are truly answered.”
“Between the experts and the articles answering my questions my pet has just about reached his goal weight! Thank you!!”
Ready to pet parent with (way more) peace of mind?
Subscribe to Kinship Premium for less than $5 a month to start getting vet advice asap.