The Cat “Loaf” Position Is Super Cute—But Why Do They Do It?
Besides looking like the perfect little sourdough baby.

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Loafing. It’s an epidemic. Of cuteness! All across the internet and social media, doting cat parents are posting photos and videos of their precious puddy tats in their most compact form: the loafopens in a new tab, more perfect than anything available at your local bakery.
But what exactly is loafing? And why do cats do it? Do they loaf when they are happy? Or loaf when they are sad? Do they loaf with the full moon? Or is loafing a means of connecting with their ancient cat ancestors, the ones who roamed the African savannas, hunting for food and crouching in that position, waiting for their prey to come along? If that’s the case, are they using their very bodies to form a bridge between past and present while simultaneously expressing their deep connection to all things glutenous?

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opens in a new tabIt’s not that complicated.
“They’re probably just relaxing,” says Heather Alveyopens in a new tab, certified cat behavior expert and owner of Felidae Behavior Consultingopens in a new tab. “Other than that, I haven’t heard of any other reasons why cats might loaf.”
No. No! Surely, there must be another reason?! One as rich in philosophy as it is in cuteness.
“It’s possible cats just loaf because that is their preferred way of sitting,” Alvey says. “Just like we have a way we like to sit when we’re relaxing.”
Or when we’re meditating, perhaps? Maybe cats are just stilling their bodies in order to free their minds to explore the astral plane.
“Cats usually loaf because they feel secure and relaxed in their environment,” says Christy Bruscoeopens in a new tab, certified cat behaviorist at Cat Training by Christyopens in a new tab. “When a cat assumes this position, it typically means they are content and not feeling threatened. This is a resting position that allows them to conserve energy while staying semi-alert to their surroundings.”
Energy! Yes! They are turning themselves into a conduit, a nexus through which the energy of the universe and all cats — past, present, and future — can flow. Yes!
“Cats also often tuck their paws and limbs under their bodies to retain body heat,” says Bruscoe. “This behavior is similar to how they might curl up into a ball when sleeping. By minimizing the exposed surface area of their bodies, they can conserve heat more effectively, which is especially useful in cooler environments.”
Oh. That kind of energy. That makes more sense. But it’s not as fun.
“Some people interpret the loaf position as a sign that the cat is resting but can spring into action if necessary,” Brusco says. “However, this is more characteristic of the ‘meatloaf’ pose, where the cat's muscles are slightly tensed and they are more alert, rather than completely relaxed.
Meatloaf? Interesting. So, there’s a political component to this, as well. Like carnivores versus vegans. It’s an allegory for the way our two-party system emphasizes our differences, instead of our similarities. Paws in or paws out, the cat is still “loaf.” Just as we too, right and left, are all Americans. Humans even. If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die?
Cats don’t always prefer the loaf position.
“And, of course, there are other behaviors similar to loafing,” Bruscoe adds.
Ah, yes. The third party candidates. Agitators of the status quo.
“There’s curling up, which is when a cat curls into a tight ball, often for the same reasons as loafing — because they feel secure and want to stay warm.”
“There’s sitting with paws tucked under (sphinx position), which is similar to loafing and also indicates a state of relaxation and security, but with the cat’s head up and more alert.”
Working Families Party.
“And there’s sleeping with their paws under their chin, which can indicate a very relaxed state, with the cat feeling completely at ease in their environment.”
Alliance Party.
Gosh. Who would have thought such a simple — and adorable — posture could be so full of meaning, so rich in metaphor? Cats truly are the most elegant and wondrous physical manifestations of divine energy on this earth. Guiding and teaching simply through being. Being loaf.

Charles Manning
Charles Manning is an actor, writer, and fashion/media consultant living in New York City with his two cats, Pumpkin and Bear. Follow him on Instagram @charlesemanningopens in a new tab.
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