Why Do You Need So Many Litter Boxes? Guidelines to Follow
It comes down to a math equation (don’t worry, it’s not hard).

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Managing your cat’s poop and pee requires providing a convenient spot and understanding unique behaviors and needs. Experts recommend that a home with more than one cat should offer more than one litter box.
But why are multiple litter boxes essential, especially in a home with multiple cats? Keep reading for a breakdown of details to help you understand why more than one litter box per cat can make life easier (and cleaner) for you and your pets.

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opens in a new tabHow many litter boxes do you need?
The general rule of thumb for how many litter boxes you need is one litter box per cat, plus one extra. This ensures your cat has personal space while reducing territorial issues (if multiple cats are in the house) and accommodating individual quirks. Having litter boxes in numerous areas of your home also helps maintain cleanliness and accessibility for a happier, healthier environment.
Why do you need so many litter boxes?
Multiple litter boxes are essential for a multi-cat household to promote good hygiene and reduce spats over territories. Cats are territorial creaturesopens in a new tab, so providing enough litter boxes ensures each cat has a designated space to leave their scent and do their business.
According to Dr. Alisha Kidwell,opens in a new tab a veterinarian in North Carolina, a proper number of litter boxes “helps prevent behavior issues and maintains a stress-free environment for your cats.”
Factors that determine the number of litter boxes you need
Number of cats in your home
One of the most straightforward rules for litter boxesopens in a new tab is that you add one litter box for each cat (while having an extra one). This means you would have two litter boxes for one cat. You would have three litter boxes for two cats, and so on. Cat behaviorist Stephen Quandtopens in a new tab told Kinship in a previous article that this is “the ‘N plus one’ rule, where N is the number of cats ... If you start skimping on the number of litter boxes, you risk causing one or more of your cats to start eliminating outside the box.”
It may sound like a suggestion, but the litter box rule is a necessity rooted in feline behavior. Cats establish boundaries and need space from other cats and pets. Providing multiple litter boxes helps prevent disputes while giving cats their privacy. Think of it as giving them personal bathrooms; each cat needs a toilet.
Territorial cat behavior
Cats use pee to mark their territories and establish boundaries with other household animals. Placing multiple litter boxes around your home reduces fights, saving you from a tense environment and avoidable vet bills. When cats feel their personal space is respected, they are more likely to use designated boxes consistently.
Age and health of your cats
Like humans, cats can become incontinent as they age, leading to more frequent bathroom breaksopens in a new tab. Your senior kitties need access to multiple litter boxes positioned conveniently throughout the house, rather than one or two spots.
Size and layout of your home
The layout and size of your home play crucial roles in deciding how many litter boxes are necessary (or how many you can comfortably accommodate). For instance, a studio apartment may be big enough for one or two litter boxes. Still, a larger home with multiple floors can accommodate three, four, or more boxes spread across different rooms to ensure easy access.
Individual cat preferences
Each cat is unique and has preferences. Some may prefer covered boxes, while others only use uncovered ones. Some cats are finickyopens in a new tab and choose a spot far from public “high-traffic” areas in your home. Others can do their business anywhere, any time. Your cat’s personality and preferences will influence where you place each litter box.
Where to place your litter boxes
Litter box placement is strategic. Avoid placing multiple litter boxes in the same room; cats can be territorial over their chosen spaces. Spread litter boxes throughout your home, including bedrooms, hallways, and quieter areas, like laundry rooms, where cats are less likely to be disturbed.
How to choose the right litter box for your cat
Size. Cats need space to dig and turn around comfortably. Your litter box should accommodate your cat’s size with plenty of wiggle room.
Type. Some cats prefer open boxes, while others prefer covered boxes for privacy. Invest in both types to see which one your cat prefers.
Depth. Taller sides can help contain litter mess, primarily when your cat covers their poop and slings litter everywhere. More depth makes cleanup easier.
What to do if your cat won’t use the litter box
If your cat avoids their litter boxopens in a new tab, the issue could be cleanliness, location, or behavioral concerns. Ensure the box is clean and accessible. However, if the issue persists, ask your veterinarian to rule out health problems or behavioral issuesopens in a new tab.
Signs you need to change your litter box setup
If your cat frequently has accidents outside the litter box, it may indicate a problem with the set-up.
A strong, persistent odor from the box suggests it’s not being cleaned or maintained often enough.
Multiple cats crowding around a single box can mean there aren’t enough boxes to meet their needs.
Cats avoiding the litter box may be unhappy with its location, size, or the type of litter used.
Straining, frequent visits to the box, or other urinary issues may indicate medical concerns.
Final thoughts: How many litter boxes do you need?
To summarize, you should have one litter box per cat, plus one extra (N plus one). Having more litter boxes may seem excessive, but it can be a game-changer for multi-cat households. Cats are creatures of comfort and habit. Providing them with enough litter boxes makes it easier for your cats to live healthier, happier lives in a comfortable, clean environment.
Can you put litter boxes next to each other?
While cats can usually tolerate adjacent litter boxes, spreading them out is best to avoid territorial conflicts.
Why do two cats need three litter boxes?
Adding an extra litter box accommodates territorial behavior and individual preferences while giving your cats easy access wherever they go in your home.
How many litter boxes are needed for three, four, five, or six cats?
Follow the rule: The number of cats (N) + one extra = the recommended number of litter boxes.
Can a cat have too many litter boxes?
While rare, some cats may prefer fewer boxes if they are easily accessible and well-maintained. In some homes, like smaller apartments, having multiple litter boxes is challenging, so fewer litter boxes would be okay if you keep them clean.
How far apart should cat litter boxes be?
Ensure they are placed in different rooms to minimize territorial problems. For example, place one litter box in the laundry room, another in a bathroom, and another in a bedroom. You get the idea: Avoid putting two litter boxes in the same area if possible.
American Association of Feline Practitioners. “Environmental Needs Guidelines.” CatVets, Environmental Needs Guidelines | American Association of Feline Practitionersopens in a new tab
Cornell Feline Health Center. “Feline Behavior Problems: House Soiling.” Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, Feline Behavior Problems: House Soiling | Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicineopens in a new tab
Unruffled Pets. “Environmental Enrichment for Cats.” Unruffled Pets, FABopens in a new tab

Valerie Mellema
Valerie Mellema has a Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness and Equine Industry from West Texas A&M University. She has been a professional writer for the past 20 years, covering a wide variety of pet health and care topics before founding a nonprofit focused on mental health in children and thoroughbred aftercare. She has four Border Collies and eight retired racehorses.
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