Ware of the Dog Makes Cat Toys Too! · Kinship

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Ware of the Dog Makes Cat Toys?!

The indie dog brand has designed 10 adorably crafty catnip-stuffed toys.

by Charles Manning
May 18, 2022
Black kitten reaching for ice cream felt toy against bright yellow background with other copies of ice cream toys

Ware of the Dog is branching out. To cats! Cat toys, to be specific. And man are they cute. Founder Jackie Rosenthal believes that the best pet toys are ones you don’t mind seeing around your house and thus has designed a suite of 10 attractive, clever, and adorably crafty toys for cats of all ages and persuasions. Made with 100 percent natural wool and stuffed with catnip, they are just the thing for stylish felines and the pet parents who live to spoil them.

There’s the classic wool mouse, of course — brightly colored and measuring around six inches long. The Swiss cheese wedge — you know, to attract the wool mouse. And the wool shrimp, for cats who enjoy a little surf with their turf. For jock-ish cats, there’s a trio of small felted balls of the baseball, football, and soccer variety. And for more intellectual, paleontologically-minded cats, there’s an adorable green wool dinosaur.

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Ware of the Dog mouse toy
Ware of the Dog shrimp toy

There’s also a chocolate-dipped ice cream cone — perfect for cats who love dairy, even though it is bad for them — and a little chocolate kiss. Although, honestly, that one looks like a cross between a poop emoji and a hacky sack, which might not sound terribly appealing to you or me, but to a cat it is *chef’s kiss*, I assure you. And last, but certainly not least is the wool Pop-Tart, which comes in two “flavors”: strawberry and blueberry.

Now, I know what you’re thinking, “What on earth do Pop-Tarts have to do with cats?!” Picture it: the internet, circa 2011. Nyan Cat — an 8-bit animation of a cat with a Pop-Tart for a body, flying through space — became one of the first viral GIFs. (An NFT based on it sold at auction for $580,000 in Bitcoin last year.) And now you can pay homage to this moment with this $8 plush toy that your real cat can get some real fun out of.

Ware of the Dog poptart toy
Ware of the Dog sports balls toys; baseball, soccer ball, football

Charles Manning

Charles Manning is an actor, writer, and fashion/media consultant living in New York City with his two cats, Pumpkin and Bear. Follow him on Instagram @charlesemanning.

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