6 Reasons to Set Boundaries for Your Dog · Kinship

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6 Reasons to Set Boundaries for Your Dog

Well-trained dogs have more freedom (and more fun).

by Karen B. London, PhD, CAAB, CPDT-KA
Updated January 31, 2023
Trendy woman in a green coat walking her cute dog in a white jacket in public
Valentina Barreto / Stocksy

Sure, there’s something undeniably adorable about a mischievous pup. For those of us who work with dogs, we’re used to hearing stories of misbehavior told with a hint of glee. People love to share the ways their “little rascal” is so clever and impish — misbehaving in the most lovable and endearing ways. But as sweet as they may sound, what these tales really do is glorify a dog’s complete lack of boundaries.

Although the occasional story of a dog running amuck can be entertaining, I reject the idea that this is how dogs should be — wild, free, and unencumbered by constraints on their desires and inclinations. In fact, I would argue that by setting boundaries through training, we enhance our dog’s happiness. Here are a few advantages your trained dog will get to enjoy.

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More off-leash opportunities.

Off-leash dogs can run full speed, explore, sniff as long as they wish at an interesting spot, and make their own choices. Few other activities offer dogs such a quality experience. But not all dogs can handle being unleashed; some run off, get lost, go into the road or accost others.

Dogs who come when called, don’t cross boundaries, and are polite and well-mannered can be safely given the freedom to be off-leash in wide open spaces, such as on hikes or in fields. For dogs without such skills, off-leash opportunities may only be available in their backyard or at the dog park. That means they probably don’t get to be off-leash as often or for as long as well-trained dogs.

Welcome in more public places.

A well-behaved dog who knows how to walk nicely on-leash and greet people politely will be welcome at dog-friendly businesses such as coffee shops and retail stores. So, rather than stay at home, your dog can accompany you on errands and outings to such places. Well-mannered dogs have a fuller life with more varied experiences.

Welcome to attend social events and co-pilot on trips.

A dog with training in basic manners is far more likely to be welcome at social events — from a two-hour book club meeting to a week-long family gathering. “Basic manners” include the capacity to sit, stay, leave it, wait at the door, come, walk nicely on-leash, drop it, greet politely and stop barking on cue. That may seem like a long list, but mastering these behaviors makes dogs so much more pleasant to be around, and that translates to an enjoyable visit for everyone.

There’s also a bonus benefit: It’s easier to find someone willing to watch your dog in their home when you need to go out of town without them. While many dogs are perfectly happy in the kennel, a lot aren’t. You’re far more likely to have the option of a friend or neighbor taking in your dog if they’re trained. Here again, rather than being left at home or put in the back room when company comes, dogs with proper boundaries are allowed to socialize and enjoy the festivities.

More play dates with other dogs.

Dogs with good social skills who don’t leap on people, dig in gardens, or run around like unguided missiles are able to have play dates with a variety of dogs. It’s a shame when dogs miss out on the fun because they haven’t had enough training to be able to act appropriately.

Better relationships with their human family.

The core of our bond with dogs is the development of a strong relationship. Clearly, while it’s possible to be head-over-heels in love with a dog even if they’re impish, such behavior has damaged many a union. It may not ruin the relationship if your dog eats your wedding ring or plants their muddy paws on your new dress, but it doesn’t help it, either.

More walks.

Many dogs are hard to walk because they pull relentlessly, cut in front of people, bark at everything they see, or wrap their leashes around trees and mailboxes as they move chaotically along. Often, this means these dogs aren’t walked as frequently as trained dogs because the behaviors are unpleasant for their people. A shortage of walks may, in turn, make the dog’s behavior worse when they do go out because they’re overexcited and overly energetic.

If dogs practice walking and are specifically trained to have nice leash manners, it’s more fun and easy to take them on walks. That means their owners will take them out even if the weather is bad, if they’ve had a tiring work day, or if some other reason makes a walk unappealing.

Also, if your dog is well-trained enough to make walking them a pleasant experience, friends will likely agree to do it if you can’t for some reason (for example, a work emergency, an out-of-town trip, a sprained ankle).

The final takeaway.

Many people find a hilariously out-of-control dog amusing to read about or to watch from time to time. But sadly, such dogs are rarely allowed the same amount of fun as dogs who have parents who put in the training time. Boundaries and training don’t impinge on a dog’s freedom — they enhance it.

Karen London holding up a small dog

Karen B. London, PhD, CAAB, CPDT-KA

Karen B. London, Ph.D., is a Certified Applied Animal Behaviorist and Certified Professional Dog Trainer who specializes in working with dogs with serious behavioral issues, including aggression, and has also trained other animals including cats, birds, snakes, and insects. She writes the animal column for the Arizona Daily Sun and is an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at Northern Arizona University. She is the author of six books about training and behavior, including her most recent,  Treat Everyone Like a Dog: How a Dog Trainer’s World View Can Improve Your Life.

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