Dog Ear Meaning: Here’s What Your Dog Is Trying to Tell You · Kinship

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Become a Dog Whisperer by Understanding What Dog-Ear Positions Mean

Welcome to next-level pet parenting.

by Dr. Chyrle Bonk, DVM
January 22, 2025
Corgi dog sitting and looking away at home.
Anna Sorokina / Stocksy

With just a tilt of the head or flick of an ear, dogs can display many faces that make us smile as well as expressions that we don’t understand. While it may seem like your dog’s different ear positions are there simply for your amusement, these are actually one way that they communicate. Though not as easy to understand as plain English, ear position is a way most dogs come to understand each other.

Are you and your dog having a hard time getting on the same communication wavelength? We’ll help you decipher what their ear positions mean. Not only will this help you better understand what they are trying to tell you, but it will also help you better respond to their needs.

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How dogs use their ears to communicate

There’s no universal language across all animal species, at least not a spoken one. A bark isn’t understood by animals who meow and a neigh isn’t understood by animals who moo, and so forth. In the place of spoken words, animals use body language to let others know they’re feeling friendly, or that they’d better watch their step.

The position of a dog’s ears is a big part of that body language. Alert ears mean something far different than pinned-back ears. But don’t worry, if your dog’s ears just aren’t speaking to you in terms you understand, other body parts also help communicate how they feel. So, looking at a dog’s ear position — alongside their tail position, stance, and whether their body is tense or relaxed — will also help convey a message.

Dog-ear position chart

dog ear position chart, with images of what dogs' ears look like, what body language means
Kinship Creative

Common dog ear positions, and what they mean

Ears relaxed and neutral

For most dogs, this will be their go-to ear position. It’s the default when they’re feeling at ease and comfortable in their surroundings. The neutral position of a dog’s ears will largely depend on their breed. As you can imagine, the erect triangles of a Basenji will have a very different relaxed position than the drape-like ears of a Basset Hound

To determine if your pup is relaxed and content or not, check the rest of their body for signs of relaxation, including a wagging tail and an open mouth with a lolling tongue.

Ears forward and up

When a pup perks their ears, it’s likely because they’re tuning into something. Sudden movements or noises can make a dog raise their ears to get a better listen. 

Excitement can also make your dog raise their ears, as they prepare for play or to give you a welcome-home smooch. Along with upright and forward ears, you may also see a wagging tail and an alert body that’s ready for action.

Ears flattened and pinned tight

Now, here’s a dog ear position that can convey a number of emotions, all of which you’ll want to watch out for. Flattened, pinned ears are typically a dog’s way of showing fear, aggression, or anxiety. Their body will likely be tense. Their tail may be tucked or held low, and they may crouch or hunch down. You may also see the hair along their back raise up, and they may even curl their lip (or growl and snarl) if the message just isn’t being received on the other end. Anxious dogs may also pace and pant, not eat as much, and/or have difficulty sleeping.

Ears back and drooping

Holding their ears back doesn’t always mean a dog is about to charge. Instead, it could mean the opposite: A dog is feeling submissive and would rather give in to the other’s actions. This is especially true in dogs who are lower on the totem pole or are a little skittish. It’s sort of their way of making themselves look smaller and less threatening. They may also tuck their tail and roll onto their back to further appease their would-be opponent.

Ears rotated

The shape of a dog’s ears helps them funnel sound waves down their ear canals. The multitude and variation of the muscles in that area help move the ears so the dog can determine the direction and distance of the sound. When you see a dog’s ear rotated outwards, it’s probably because they are trying to hone in on a questionable noise. They may also turn or tilt their head towards the noise. This will likely take your dog’s undivided attention, so expect them to be quiet and still as well.

Ears switching between positions

Sometimes your dog will put their ears through their paces, meaning they go up and down and sideways in a matter of seconds. These quick changes in ear positions usually mean that your dog is confused by their surroundings. Maybe they’re hearing multiple noises and trying to pinpoint them simultaneously. Or maybe they’re feeling a little out of place and uncomfortable in this new situation. They may also be trying to read the body language of their pet parent or another animal.

Alongside alternating ear positions, they may also switch up the rest of their body language. Their body may be tense or relaxed, They may be wagging or holding their tail stiff. And they might growl or snarl, or pant and lick their lips.

Do ear positions always mean something?

Are your dog’s ears in constant messaging mode? No…and yes. No, because that would be a lot of work, and even a dog’s ears need a rest once in a while. But also yes, because your dog is always experiencing emotions, so they’ll even convey a state of contentment.

No matter your dog’s ear position, it’s important to pay attention. Not only will it better help you understand their emotions and how to address them, it can also help you recognize a health problem. When one or both ears are held down with a lot of head shaking and ear scratching, it could indicate an ear infection. (Other dogs may want to lick your dog’s ear as well.)

If your dog’s ears are trying to tell you something new, it may be time to see a veterinarian.

Factors that influence ear movements

Let’s revisit the Basenji versus the Basset Hound ear anatomy for a moment. Obviously, ears that look this different are going to act differently. It will be easy to tell when a Basenji has their ears pinned back, but may be more difficult when they are forward and up, since that’s their normal position.

As for a Basset Hound, there’s no way those ears will ever be fully upright or fully pinned back. This would defy the laws of physics. Given how each dog breed has some variation in the shape and size of their ears, you’re allowed a little grace and wiggle room in your interpretations. If a dog’s ear position alone isn’t conveying a crystal-clear message, look at the rest of their body language to sharpen the meaning.

Bottom line

Many people talk to their dog, and it may be that your dog is answering back, just with their ears instead of words. Dogs can convey many messages through their ears and other body language — we just need to be able to understand what those messages are. Hopefully, you now have a bit more insight into the world of dog-ear positions, so that you can better communicate with your best friend.


Why do my dog’s ears go down when they see me?

When dogs hear a sound at the door or see a human in the distance, they often perk their ears to determine what’s going on. When they recognize that human or sound, they will often relax their ears as a way to convey comfort. However, if your dog’s ears are pinned down, this could be that they are scared or anxious, especially if you’re doing something they hate. This may warrant a consult with a vet or professional trainer.

How do I read the emotions of a dog with floppy ears?

Floppy dog ears can be expressive, too. They just may not have the range of motion of smaller, more erect ears. When a floppy-eared dog raises or pins their ears, you’ll see the movement at the base near the head. These movements may be subtle, but they will be there. If you just can’t decipher your dog’s floppy ears, rely on other body language for clarification.


Dr. Chryle Bonk holds a vet

Dr. Chyrle Bonk, DVM

Dr. Chyrle Bonk has been a mixed animal veterinarian since 2010. When she's not practicing or writing about veterinary medicine, you may find her exploring the outdoors with her family or tending to her cows, horses, chickens, or cats and dogs.

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