Teach Your Dog to Spin Around · Kinship

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Train Your Dog to Spin With This Guide

Go beyond basic obedience and teach your dog this easy-to-learn trick.

by Daniela Lopez
June 16, 2021
Woman in green dress and black boots training her Jack Russell Terrier puppy to spin in a field outside
WoodHunt / Adobe Stock

“Spin” is a fun starter trick to teach your dog that looks impressive and honestly seems a lot more difficult to teach than it actually is. Dogs tend to pick this one up pretty quickly, which is great because the spin trick is essential for other more advanced dog trick training.

Remember, when it comes to dog training, choose the methods that help your dog succeed. Use positive reinforcement to encourage your dog to spin—and resist attempts to force them into the desired position—training should always be enjoyable for both dogs and humans. Learn how to teach your dog to spin with this simple step-by-step guide.

Teach Your Dog the Spin Trick

With the below steps, imagine your dog going around a clock face.

1. To get started with the spin trick, have your dog face you while standing and all fours.

2. Next, using a delicious treat next to your dog’s nose, lure your pup slowly in one direction.

3. Continue to lure, and reward them at 3 o’clock

New Dog Training Programs

Try these free training programs from our friends at Dogo to help with new dog life and basic obedience.

Start Training

4. Keep them moving, reward again at 6 o’clock

5. As you make your way towards the end of the circle, reward again at 9 o’clock.

6. Once you make your way back to 12 o’clock, reward your dog.

Adding in the Spin Cue

Add in a cue once your dog begins to pick up on the task. A verbal “Spin” and a hand signal (a rotating pointer finger) work for many dogs.

As your dog progresses (which should be pretty quickly), remove the treat rewards at 6 o’clock, then 3 o’clock, and so on. Replace the treat lure with your empty hand doing the hand signal, and lure your dog around again, rewarding only once the spin is completed. When this “clicks” with your dog, you’ll be able to move your hand signal father away.

Note: If your dog can follow the lure throughout the circle on the first go, they may not need those first rewards at 6 o’clock, then at 3 o’clock, etc. But, if your dog doesn’t follow the lure, work slower to keep their attention.

daniela lopez

Daniela Lopez

Daniela Lopez is a digital media specialist and long-time contributor to The Bark.

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