Here’s How Much Water a Dog Should Drink a Day—Follow This Advice · Kinship

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Here’s How Much Water Your Dog Should Drink in a Day, According to Experts

A veterinarian weighs in with some definitive answers.

by Dr. Chyrle Bonk, DVM
January 26, 2025
Man giving his dog some water in the trunk of his car.
Manu Padilla / Stocksy

As a society, we’ve come to understand the importance of staying hydrated. So much so that we’ve become obsessed with various types of water bottles. For us, it’s easy to shoot for a generalized number of around 15 cups of water per day for men and 11 cups for women. But with our dogs, it’s not as easy given their various shapes, sizes, and energy levels.

We’re here to make it easy for you to determine how much water your dog should drink in a day. That way, you can ensure they’re staying hydrated, recognize when they’re drinking too much, and know how to encourage more avid drinking.

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How much water should your dog drink in a day?

Though it may seem like a dog’s body composition leans towards being made up mostly of hair, it’s actually water that takes the cake. Water makes up 60 to 75 percent of your dog’s body mass. It’s necessary for nearly every bodily function, so it’s extremely important that your dog is drinking enough water.

Although every dog is different in their hydration needs, in general, dogs need around one ounce of water per pound of body weight every day. Keep in mind that, pound-for-pound, an always-on-the-go Border Collie, for instance, will likely lap more than the purse-warmer Chihuahua. And puppies will probably slurp more water than a golden-years senior dog.

Weather can also play a role, with high temperatures and low humidity having dogs seeking out the water bowl more frequently than when it’s cool and rainy. The type of food that they eat can also play a role.

How much water your dog should be drinking, based on weight?

A chart describing how much water a dog should drink based on how much they weigh


The most common reasons your dog is drinking too much water

Most of your focus will be on making sure your dog is drinking enough water, but there can be times when they start drinking too much. It will seem like the water bowl is always empty, and your dog is still begging for more. This increase in water consumption, known as polydipsia, is often caused by health issues.

Things like kidney disease, diabetes, Cushing’s disease, or an infection may increase a dog’s water intake, as they try to right some kind of imbalance in their body. Some medications may also increase drinking (especially steroids). Meanwhile, weather, diet, and activity level can also be to blame.

Although drinking more water may seem like a good thing, drinking too much can actually lead to water intoxication, a potentially serious condition that can affect electrolyte balance and even cause swelling of the brain.

Signs and symptoms of dehydration in dogs

There is a middle road when it comes to water consumption in dogs. You don’t want too much or too little. Too little water can lead to dehydration, which can get dangerous quickly. Without proper hydration, organs, joints, and muscles can suffer. A pup can even have trouble regulating their body temperature. Here’s what dehydration may look like:

  • Gums that are dry and tacky, instead of wet and slippery

  • Thick, ropey saliva

  • Constipation issues

  • Loss of skin elasticity (failing to immediately snap back when grabbed on, say, the back of the neck)

  • Sunken eyes

  • Dry nose

  • Decreased appetite

  • Lethargy

If you notice any of these signs or just think that your dog is dehydrated, see your vet as soon as possible.

How to make sure your dog stays hydrated

Maintaining your dog’s healthy water intake should seem easy — just let them drink whenever there’s water — but it isn’t that simple. Yes, you should keep a constant supply of clean water available, but you don’t want them just drinking anything anywhere. For instance, letting your dog use public water bowls is the equivalent of licking the handle of a shopping cart, as far as germs go. Also, puddles and other sources of stagnant water can be a source of giardia.

Instead of letting your dog sample these potentially unsavory water supplies, bring your own water. Get a water bottle with a pup cup, or bring a collapsible bowl on all outings. And keep fresh, clean water sources available inside and outside your home.

If your dog is a dainty drinker, consider a water fountain with a filter that will not only clean their drinking water, but provide a source of entertainment and curiosity that may encourage them to drink more.  

For chronic, itchy skin or bouts of diarrhea, making sure your dog stays hydrated is even more important. In addition to giving them clean water, feeding them moist or canned foods can up their fluid intake, as can adding a tiny bit of no-sodium broth to that food.

When should you talk to your vet about your dog’s water intake?

The amount of water that your dog drinks should be a constant topic with your vet. Discussed this at every visit just to make sure things are going smoothly. You’ll also want to reach out to your vet any time your dog’s water intake seems abnormal. In these cases, take note of any other symptoms you’re noticing, and how long ago you spotted this change.

Bottom line

  • Dogs should drink roughly one ounce of water per pound of their body weight, daily. 

  • This may vary based on activity level and weather. 

  • Make note of any changes in water consumption, whether more or less, and contact your vet.


Can dogs drink tap water?

As a rule of thumb, if water is safe for you to drink, it’s probably safe for your dog to drink, too. 

How often should you clean the water bowl?

Water bowls should be cleaned at least daily. You’ll want to dump any leftover water and clean the bowl with soap and water. If your dog is a messy eater who often leaves food bits behind, you may have to clean it more frequently.

Should I limit my dog’s water intake at night?

Generally speaking, restricting your dog’s water is never a good idea. But if you’re having trouble with nighttime accidents, removing the water bowl about an hour before bedtime may help. Just ensure that your dog is getting their fill of water throughout the rest of the day.

Do senior dogs need more water?

As a body ages, it becomes less efficient at many things, including maintaining a healthy fluid balance. Because of this, your senior pup may need more water, so be sure to offer many sources of fresh, clean water and encourage drinking throughout the day.

Why is my dog coughing after drinking water?

Coughing after drinking is often a result of overzealous slurping. Some dogs eat and drink at such a pace that their body can’t help but react. Coughing or gagging can mean that your dog is drinking too quickly, and some water went down the wrong pipe. It can also be due to other health issues, so if your dog is frequently coughing after drinking water, see your veterinarian.


Dr. Chryle Bonk holds a vet

Dr. Chyrle Bonk, DVM

Dr. Chyrle Bonk has been a mixed animal veterinarian since 2010. When she's not practicing or writing about veterinary medicine, you may find her exploring the outdoors with her family or tending to her cows, horses, chickens, or cats and dogs.

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