Why Does Your Dog Keep Getting Ear Infections?
Hint: They’re more common than you’d think.
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What Is a Dog Ear Infection?opens in a new tab What Causes Ear Infections in Dogs?opens in a new tab Ear Infection Symptomsopens in a new tab Types of Ear Infectionsopens in a new tab How Vets Diagnose Ear Infectionsopens in a new tab Treatments for a Dog Ear Infectionopens in a new tab Can You Treat Ear Infections Without a Vet?opens in a new tab Preventing Ear Infectionsopens in a new tab
Veterinarians see patients with ear infections quite commonly. It’s almost always dogs — cats rarely get ear infections, except young kittens with mites. You probably have a dog (or you wouldn’t be reading this), and the chances are great that your dog will have at least one ear infection, probably more. So it helps to be prepared. Here’s everything you need to know about what’s involved in an ear infection, including symptoms, causes, treatment, and prevention.

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opens in a new tabWhat is an ear infection in dogs?
An ear infectionopens in a new tab, also known as otitis, is just what it sounds like: an infection of the ear canal. Dogs have three main types of ear infections corresponding to the ear canal’s three divisions.
Otitis externa is an infection of the outer ear canal. This is the most common type of ear infection in dogs.
Otitis media is an infection of the middle ear. This usually results from an external ear infection that isn’t treated.
Otitis interna is the name given to an infection of the inner ear. This can cause balance problems and hearing loss.
Ear infections can be acute, which means they occur suddenly. They can also be chronic, with some dogs being more prone to repeated infections due to their breed, environment, or underlying health conditions.
What causes ear infections in dogs?
There are several reasons your dog might get an ear infection. Fortunately, many of these can be easily treated or prevented.
Bacteria and yeast overgrowth: This tends to be the most common cause and is often caused by inflammation or too much moisture in the ear.
Allergies: Dogs commonly have allergiesopens in a new tab to food or pollen, grasses, mold, or anything in the environment. Allergies can lead to chronic ear inflammation and infection.
Ear mites: Ear mites occur more often in outdoor dogs or puppies. Mites can cause irritation and secondary infections.
Foreign objects: Items from the outdoor environment, such as grass seeds, dirt, or debris, can lead to infections.
Water in the ear: Dogs who swim frequently or have floppy ears may get more infections from trapped water.
Hormonal imbalances: illnesses such as hypothyroidism or diabetes can make dogs more prone to infections.
Ear structure and breed predisposition: Breeds with long, floppy ears or narrow ear canals are more susceptible to ear infections.
Typical ear infection symptoms you will see
The following is a list of possible symptoms you may notice if your dog has an ear infection. The earlier a condition is detected, the sooner a diagnosis can be determined and treatment can begin. This will lead to a better outcome.
Frequent head shaking or tilting
Scratching at the ears
Red, inflamed ear canals
Unpleasant odor from the ears
Discharge (yellow, brown, or black)
Pain or sensitivity when the ears are touched
Loss of balance (in severe cases)
Hearing loss (if the infection spreads)
Common types of ear infections in dogs
The cause of the ear infection can be used to classify the type of ear infection your dog has. Each requires a different treatment.
Bacterial infections: These are often due to water buildup or trauma.
Yeast infections: Common in dogs with allergies, or due to excessive moisture.
Parasitic infections: Caused by ear mites, more often in puppies than older dogs.
Fungal infections: Not as common as the other types, but can occur in immune-compromised dogs.
How do vets diagnose ear infections in dogs?
A dog’s history, and the signs of infections observed by a pet parent, are very important to the vet. A thorough physical assessment, including an exam with a special instrument called an otoscope, would be next.
Diagnostic tests will probably be recommended. You can’t determine whether the infection is caused by bacteria, yeast, fungi, or parasites without cytology (looking under the microscope). If bacteria are spotted, a culture and sensitivity test will be performed to identify the specific bacteria and the antibiotic treatment required.
If the infection becomes chronic and there are allergy-related symptoms, allergy tests may be needed. Accurate diagnosis is essential for effective treatment and prevention of future infections.
Treatment options for dog ear infections
There’s more than one way of treating a dog ear infection. This depends on the cause, the dog’s temperament, the pet parent’s proficiency, and the seriousness of the infection.
Topical treatments
Topical medications, such as ear drops and ointments, are frequently used to treat mild to moderate infections. These treatments may consist of the following.
Antibiotics: for bacterial infections
Antifungals: for yeast infections
Steroids: to reduce inflammation and itching
These medications may not be strong enough depending on how serious the ear infection is.
Oral medications
In severe cases, oral medications may be necessary.
Oral antibiotics: for deep infections or resistant bacteria
Oral antifungals: when yeast infections are widespread
Anti-inflammatory drugs: to relieve pain and swelling
Ear drops may also be used at the same time.
Surgical treatments
There are times when the only thing that will help the ears is surgery. The following may be needed:
Ear flushing under sedation to allow a deep cleaning of the ear canal
Lateral ear canal resection, which involves removing part of the ear canal
Total ear canal ablation, reserved for extreme cases, in which the entire ear canal must be removed to eliminate the infection
The latter sounds drastic, and it is, but sometimes it is necessary. That’s why it’s better to catch an infection in its early stages by seeing the vet.
Can you treat dog ear infections without a vet?
While minor ear irritations can sometimes be managed at home, true ear infections should always be treated by a vet. Home remedies such as coconut oil, apple cider vinegar, or hydrogen peroxide can do more harm than good if used incorrectly. Delaying professional treatment can allow the infection to worsen and lead to complications like hearing loss.
If your dog shows symptoms of an ear infection, it’s best to consult a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment.
Preventing dog ear infections
Preventing ear infections is easier than treating them. Here are some steps you can take.
Regular ear cleaning: Floppy-eared breeds should use a vet-approved ear cleaneropens in a new tab to remove wax and debris. All dogs may benefit from this type of cleaning.
Keep ears dry: Moisture can lead to an infection. Dry your dog’s ears thoroughly after swimming or bathing.
Manage allergies: Work with your vet to identify and control food or environmental allergies.
Routine vet check-ups: Regular ear exams can catch infections early, improving outcomes.
Proper grooming: Trimming excess hair around the ears can help improve airflow.
Bottom line
Ear infections are a common, but often preventable problem in dogs.
Understanding the causes, symptoms, and treatments can help keep your dog comfortable and infection-free.
If your dog has frequent ear infections, talk to your vet about looking for the underlying cause and develop a long-term prevention plan.
Proper care can reduce the risk of painful, recurring ear infections and ensure your dog stays happy and healthy.
Dowling, P M. “Antimicrobial Therapy of Skin and Ear Infections.” The Canadian Veterinary Journal, vol. 37, no. 11, Nov. 1996, p. 695, pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC1576525opens in a new tab.
Noxon, James O. “Otitis in the Allergic Dog.” Veterinary Allergy, 25 Oct. 2013, pp. 175–182, ch27. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/book/10.1002/9781118738818opens in a new tab.
Tang, Shuiquan, et al. “The Canine Skin and Ear Microbiome: A Comprehensive Survey of Pathogens Implicated in Canine Skin and Ear Infections Using a Novel Next-Generation-Sequencing-Based Assay.” Veterinary Microbiology, vol. 247, Aug. 2020, p. 108764, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vetmic.2020.108764opens in a new tab.

Dr. Shelby Neely, DVM
Dr. Shelby Neely is a freelance writer and veterinarian who graduated from The University of Pennsylvania and has practiced veterinary medicine for 30 years. She has found homes for hundreds of stray pets and has two cats as well as four grand-dogs and two grand-cats. In her spare time, Dr. Neely likes to be with her three children, their dogs and cats, and her own two cats. She also likes to see as many Broadway shows as possible.
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