Beacon, the Olympic Gymnastics’ Therapy Dog, Has Been Admitted to an Emergency Hospital · Kinship

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Beacon, the Olympic Gymnastics’ Therapy Dog, Has Been Admitted to an Emergency Hospital

You can make a donation and help pay for Beacon’s medical bills.

by Sio Hornbuckle
September 6, 2024
USA Gymnastics “Goodest Boy” Therapy Dog.
Photo Courtesy of @goldendogbeacon

This summer, the world fell in love with a member of the United States Olympics gymnastics team who’s never taken to the beam or the vault: Beacon, the therapy dog who provides emotional support to the gold-medal-winning team. In a recent update posted to Instagram, Beacon’s guardian, Tracey Callahan Molnar, shared that Beacon has been hospitalized for an unexpected illness. 

“This is an incredibly difficult post to make,” Callahan Molnar wrote. “I’ve decided to share this now because Beacon has 50k + followers and I know that can mean 50k+ people sending him wishes for healing and good health.” She went on to explain that Beacon had been admitted to an emergency hospital. 

Earlier in the week, Beacon began experiencing stiffness, labored breathing, and eventually a fever. A veterinarian attempted to treat him with anti-inflammatory medication and cold laser therapy, but his symptoms persisted. 

“X-rays yesterday showed fluid in his chest cavity which was at least in part the reason for the labored breathing,” Callahan Molnar wrote. His veterinarian was concerned by his fever and recommended that Callahan Molnar take him to an emergency hospital, where he could be treated by specialists. 

Beacon is still being seen by specialists to determine the exact cause of his symptoms. He has received biopsies, an ultrasound, and a CT scan during his time in the hospital. “Some diagnostics have been done but more to go,” Callahan Molnar wrote. “My understanding is that there are many potential causes, therefore many things to rule out.”

Callahan Molnar is asking for all who care for Beacon to send him good wishes “in whatever form that comes; positive thoughts, prayer, virtual hugs, whatever speaks to you.” A friend of Callahan Molnar has also created a GoFundMe for Beacon’s medical costs; currently, over $12,000 have been spent on Beacon’s hospital stay, and they expect to spend more as they continue to help Beacon heal.

Sio Hornbuckle

Sio Hornbuckle is a writer living in New York City with their cat, Toni Collette.

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