4 Ground Rules for Good Dog Walking Etiquette
Your neighbors will thank you.

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Having a dog gives you a sense of connection to other dog people in your community, but not all pet-parent passers by have the same goal — whether it’s to make friends along the way or just let their dog do their business and rush home. If dog walking is a social activity for you but less-than-enthusiastic neighbors are curbing your enthusiasm, you may be committing a canine etiquette faux pas. Everyone walks their dogs in their own ways for their own reasons, and following these ground rules will help you stay on good terms with your neighbors and fellow dog owners.
1. Use a leash
This is a cardinal rule. If you are not in an off-leash area, such as a dog parkopens in a new tab, you should always have your dog on a leash during your walk. While your dog may have excellent recall, there’s no telling what might trigger them to bolt or involve them in a contentious situation with either another dog or a person. At the end of the day, not everyone wants to be approached by your dog, no matter how cute they are. Keeping them on leash is an easy way to maintain peace. (Recall training is best done in a contained area such as your backyard or a dog park, places that offer space without the risk of cars, joggers, or evil mailmenopens in a new tab.)

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opens in a new tab2. Be respectful
This goes for people and property alike. When it comes to other people, don’t let your dog run up to or jump on them — it’s kinda rude. Also, refrain from clotheslining your fellow pedestrians: Keep your dog close so others can pass you without fear of falling. And while we understand how specific dogs can be about where they potty, keep them off neighborhood lawns. Landscaping is expensive and time-consuming, and dog pee is a lawn killer.
3. Pick up your dog’s poop
Seriously. Just do it. It’s not fertilizer; it’s damaging to the environment and nobody wants to step in it. People who fail to pick up after their dogs give all of us a bad name. Don’t be that person.
4. Be cognizant
You are responsible for your dog, so be aware of their behavior and interactions. If they’re jumpy, gets in another dog’s face, barks opens in a new tabor wraps their leash around others, stop them. Know when a situation is getting unfriendlyopens in a new tab and act accordingly. Basically, when it comes to being social, try to keep other people’s prerogatives in mind. Don’t let your dog approach other dogs while they are eliminating — it’s distracting for the dog and frustrating for the owner, who’s no doubt keen on their dog completing this function. Keep meet-and-sniffs brief, and don’t take it personally when people keep their pace, since you don’t know what kind of schedule they’re on.
While walking your dog might not be the time to socialize, there are other places to mingle with fellow dog lovers. Keep on keeping on, social butterfly — just keep your dog on a leash.
Andrea Servadio
Andrea Servadio is co-founder Fitdog Sports Clubopens in a new tab, a doggy daycare located in Santa Monica, California.
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