Millie Bobby Brown Reveals She’s Fostering 23 Dogs
The actress is a huge advocate for animal rescue.

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Fans of Millie Bobby Brown are already well aware of the star’s dog obsession — the 20 year old Stranger Things star has launched her own dog apparel lineopens in a new tab, brought her Poodle along as a guestopens in a new tab on The Tonight Show, and frequently shown support for the rescue Joey’s Friends opens in a new tab on her Instagram page. On Thursday’s episode of The Drew Barrymore Showopens in a new tab, the actress revealed a fact that would wow even the most avid dog lover: She’s currently fostering 23 dogs, in addition to the nine she parents permanently.
Barrymore brought her own senior dog onto the couch to lounge while she and Brown chatted, and Brown pointed out that she also has an elderly pup. “I rescue senior dogs,” Brown said. “Right now actually I have a 17-year-old dog who I rescued who was dumped on the streets.”

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opens in a new tabRescue is important to Brown, and all her dogs were adopted from shelters or found on the street. She told Barrymore that her desire to help animals was the reason she eventually moved out of her parents’ house. “I was living with them and then when I turned 18 I was like, ‘I want another dog,’” she said. “I was like, ‘Can I get another dog?’ And they were like, ‘No. You can’t fit any more dogs in your room.’ I was like, ‘Well I want a rabbit and I want farm animals.’” So Brown moved out of her parents’ home into a house right next door. “But my parents still do my laundry,” she joked.
Brown recently brought her Poodle Winnie onstage during an interview with Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight Showopens in a new tab. Winnie beelined for the audience for a few pets before hopping onto a chair beside Brown. Brown adopted Winnie during the COVID lockdown; in an Instagram conversation with Miley Cyrusopens in a new tab for Cyrus’s talk show “Bright Minded,” she explained that Winnie’s a therapy dog that she convinced her parents to let her adopt when she began experiencing frequent panic attacks.
Brown told Fallon that Winnie frequently accompanies her on set. “She knows when I’m acting and she knows when I’m actually really upset,” she said. “She knows when I’m fake crying. She knows a camera … She’s been on covers of magazines — she knows a camera, and she works it.”
To adopt from Brown’s favorite rescue, Joey’s Friends, or visit their Amazon wishlist, follow the links below.

Sio Hornbuckle
Sio Hornbuckle is a writer living in New York City with their cat, Toni Collette.
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