Can My Dog Eat Bananas?
Yep — bananas are a healthy and delicious treat for your pup.
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Good news: your favorite on-the-go breakfast is perfectly safe for your dog to eat. In fact, many dogs love bananas — and that’s a good thing since they’re high in potassium, fiber, and magnesium. That said, bananas are also high in sugar, which means you should give them to your pup in moderation. Below, learn more about the health benefits of bananas for dogs, plus how to add them to your pup’s diet.
Nutrition facts: Bananas for dogs
Are bananas good for dogs?
Bananas make a great low-calorie treat, since one banana contains just 105 calories. Bananas are also high in potassium (great for muscle and blood vessel function as well as for regulating the acidity of body fluids), fiber (a handy home remedy for the occasional bout of doggy diarrheaopens in a new tab or constipationopens in a new tab), and magnesium (important for energy transport and protein building in the body).

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opens in a new tabIn addition to being high in fiber and potassium, bananas contain loads of vitamin B6 and vitamin C. Vitamin B6 helps metabolize proteins in the body and regulates blood cells that bring oxygen to the brain and muscles. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps reduce cell damage and build cartilage. Experts suggestopens in a new tab that it’s better to get these nutrients through fruits and vegetables rather than supplements.
Can dogs eat bananas?
Bananas are high in sugar, so moderation is key (and they might not be good for diabeticopens in a new tab or overweightopens in a new tab dogs). When giving your dog bananas, introduce them slowly and in small quantities, since gorging on this tasty fruit can give your dog a stomach ache. And you might find that your dog doesn’t like bananas. It happens. To feed your pup bananas, simply peel them and mash them. You can also add sliced banana as a topper to your dog’s food, or cut it up into pieces as treats.
Are bananas completely safe for dogs?
Bananas are known to be one of the most nutritious fruits for dogs. That being said, the peels of the banana should not be eaten.
Other fruits that are good for dogs
Peaches: Dogs can eat peaches in moderationopens in a new tab.
Pears: With their high levels of fiberopens in a new tab, pears can be a safe and non-toxic treat for your pup.
Blackberries: Blackberries feature a high level of fiber, which can be beneficial to your dog’s healthopens in a new tab.
Other fruits that are not good for dogs
Grapes: Grapes are highly toxicopens in a new tab for dogs and should be avoided at all costs.
Watermelon: Though their fruit is safe for dogs, watermelon seeds and rindsopens in a new tab can pose a choking hazard.
Persimmons: Persimmon skinopens in a new tab can potentially lead to intestinal blockages in your dog.
The bottom line: Can dogs eat human food?
Certain human foods, like bananas, are safe for dogs to eat, though only in moderation. Like all treats, bananas should be supplementary to a complete and balanced dog food diet.
FAQs (People also ask)
Can dogs eat bananas?
Yes, dogs can eat bananas, which make a great low-calorie snack.
Is it OK to give dogs bananas?
Yes, it’s safe to give dogs bananas. One option is to simply peel and mash them, or add sliced banana on top of their other food.
Why do dogs like bananas?
Dogs like bananas because their high sugar content makes them taste very sweet. That being said, the amount of sugar in bananas means that moderation is key.
Are bananas good for dogs?
Bananas are high in fiber, potassium, and magnesium, as well as vitamins B6 and C.

Daniela Lopez
Daniela Lopez is a digital media specialist and long-time contributor to The Bark.
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