Can Dogs Eat Raw Chicken?
They’re definitely curious about what you’re chopping over there on the cutting board...
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Dogs are descended from wolves, and their ancient wild ancestors likely ate raw meat in the form of prey that they hunted. Can your modern-day dog eat raw meat like chicken? While it is true that dogs’ wild ancestors likely ate that way, thousands of years of domestication have altered nearly every part of how dogs eat, live and function. Just look at a coiffed Poodle, or a Frenchie in a tutu, and it is hard to find any traces of their wild wolf ancestors.
Ultimately, dogs have evolved to eat diets that are more similar to what their humans eat, and this includes cooked meat. And while cooked chicken can be a healthy part of a balanced diet for dogs, there are some important health reasons to avoid feeding your dog raw chicken. Read on to learn more.

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opens in a new tabNutrition facts about chicken for dogs
Chicken is a high-protein food that is often used as a main ingredient in dog foods because it contains many important nutrients for dogs. These include:
Protein: Protein is composed of amino acids that are critical building blocks within the body. Dogs need protein to synthesize enzymes, hormones, and muscle. They also use protein as an energy source to fuel their bodies.
Fat: Fat serves as both an energy source and a nutrient that helps promote healthy skin and fur. Fat also creates important cushioning and insulation to protect the body and keep our pups warm.
Vitamins and minerals: Chicken contains important vitamins and minerals including iron, choline, and B12. These nutrients play crucial roles including helping red blood cells function normally to transport oxygen throughout the body, helping muscles contract, and supporting healthy brain and nerve function.
Is raw chicken good for dogs?
While chicken is a great source of nutrients for dogs, serving it raw introduces a lot of potential health risks. Raw chicken often carries pathogens such as Campylobacter, Salmonella, or Clostridium perfringens that can make your dog sick. In fact, the CDC cites undercooked chickenopens in a new tab as a leading cause of Salmonella foodborne illness in the U.S.
What’s more, many dogs may not show any signs of illness but can become carriers of the bacteria, transmitting it to other pets and people they come into contactopens in a new tab with. This creates an especially high risk for pets and people who are immunosuppressed due to their age, other illnesses, or medications they take. Because cooked chicken can still provide all of the same nutrients for dogs, that is a great way to reap the benefits of chicken without the risks.
Can dogs eat any part of the chicken?
Dogs should not eat the skin, feathers, or bones from the chicken as these can cause health issues for them. Chicken skin can be tough to chew and is also high in fat. This can lead to digestive upset for dogs including vomitingopens in a new tab or diarrheaopens in a new tab, and in some cases can trigger more serious pancreatitisopens in a new tab.
Feathers and bones are difficult for dogs to chew and swallow, and can also be tough to digest. This can put dogs at risk for intestinal blockages, which require emergency surgery to repair. In other cases, eating these parts of the chicken can lead to impaction, or a severe form of constipation.
Is raw chicken completely safe for dogs?
Raw chicken is not completely safe for dogs. There are many considerations to keep in mind if you are considering feeding your dog raw chicken including:
Risk of pathogens: Raw chicken is notorious for containing pathogens that can make both dogs and people sick. This includes Salmonella,opens in a new tab Campylobacter, and Clostridium perfringens. Raw chicken sold in butcher shops and grocery stores is not required to be free from pathogens since the expectation is that the meat will be cooked to a safe temperature to destroy them. There are other sources of raw dietsopens in a new tab made specifically for dogs that undergo high-pressure treatment and testing for pathogens to make them safer.
Choking hazards: It is never a good idea to feed your dog raw chicken containing bones, cartilage, feathers, or skin. These parts of the bird are difficult to chew up, creating a risk of chokingopens in a new tab as well as life-threatening intestinal blockages.
Bone impactions: Bones are difficult for dogs to digest, and even if they can manage to break them down, they can create firm, dry, cement-like poop that can cause seriously painful constipationopens in a new tab (also known as a bone impaction). Chicken bones are especially dangerous since birds have hollow bones that can easily splinter and create sharp edges when chewed.
The bottom line: Can dogs eat human food?
Yes, dogs can eat lots of human foods. Because they are omnivores, they can benefit from a varied diet that includes meat, vegetables, fruit, and more. It is always important to do your researchopens in a new tab to be sure that the foods you want to share are safe and healthy for dogs. There are some foods that are perfectly safe for us but can be toxic or unhealthyopens in a new tab for our pups, so not everything can be shared.
It is also important to be sure that the bulk of your dog’s diet comes from a complete and balanced dog food. This ensures that all of their nutritional needs are met and that they are not filling up on too many snacks and treats, which could lead to nutritional deficiencies in the long run, or put them at risk for obesity.
A good rule of thumbopens in a new tab to follow is that treats and snacks should make up ten percent or less of their total caloric intake. This allows them to enjoy sharing snacks with you while also maintaining a healthy balance.
Other foods that are safe for dogs
Raspberries and other fruitsopens in a new tab that are lower in sugar can make for great snacks.
Green beansopens in a new tab are a crunchy, high fiber option as well.
Eggs make for a high-protein, tasty treatopens in a new tab.
Other foods that are dangerous
Plants in the Allium family, including garlicopens in a new tab, onions, and chives are all toxic to dogs.
Chocolate is also a no-no opens in a new tabbecause it contains toxic compounds that can make your dog sick.
High-fat dairy foods, like cheese and ice creamopens in a new tab, are also not healthy, and could make your pup sick.
FAQs (People also ask):
How much raw chicken can a dog eat?
Raw chicken is not recommended for dogs as it contains pathogens that can make them sick.
Is it OK to give dogs raw chicken?
It is not recommended to feed dogs raw chicken but cooked chicken can be a healthy snack.
Why do dogs like raw chicken?
Dogs are often attracted to the taste and smell of foods that are high in protein and fat, such as chicken. They also love the smell and taste of cooked chicken, which is a safer way to offer it.
Can dogs eat chicken bones?
No; chicken bones are hollow and can crack and splinter when dogs bite them. This can create sharp edges that can cause injuries and put them at risk for intestinal blockages as well as severe constipation.
Can dogs eat chicken skin?
Chicken skin is also not good for dogs. It is tough to chew, which may lead to choking, and it is high in fat, which can cause digestive upset as well as pancreatitis.

Dr. Amy Fox, DVM
Amy Fox, DVM is a small animal veterinarian in New York City. A lifelong animal lover, Dr. Fox studied biology in college and then worked as a veterinary nurse before pursuing veterinary school at Cornell University. She has worked in many different settings including shelter medicine, emergency medicine, general practice, and animal cruelty and forensics. She is especially interested in nutrition, preventative medicine and care for senior pets. Dr. Fox also enjoys writing about veterinary medicine and teaching. In her free time she loves to cook, garden, and go for long runs.
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