5 Best Noise-Canceling Dog Earmuffs For Blocking Out Fireworks
Dogs’ hearing is way more sensitive than ours. These top-rated earmuffs can help drown out scary sounds like fireworks.

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Fourth of July is right around the corner—or, as my dogs might phrase it, “Apocalypse Now”, is right around the corner!
Chances are your dog feels the same way, as do many dogs across the country. In fact, more dogs go missing on July 4thopens in a new tab than any other day of the year. Unfortunately, all the things humans love about the holiday — barbecues, busy parties, and, of course, the dreaded fireworks, can be quite anxiety inducing for pups. In worst case scenarios, this perfect storm can lead to them high tailing it the hell out of there. Literally. ’Cause, y’know, they have tails.

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opens in a new tabAnyway, there’s tons of advice out there about what you can do to mitigate your pup’s apprehension. Most of which boils down to keeping pets indoors, giving them lots of treats and love, and, for the more anxious pups, talking to your vet about as needed anti-anxiety medication. However, if you’re looking for a tool that addresses the root of the issue, you might want to consider investing in a pair of earmuffs for your dog.
See, dogs can hear a lot more than we can. Like, a lot.opens in a new tab Not only can they hear sounds that we can’t, those sounds are also far more intense. So while Trazodone and a licky mat might keep them calmeropens in a new tab, it won’t stop Fourth of July fireworks from sounding like the 1812 Overture (the one with the cannonsopens in a new tab) times a million.
But! The earmuffs on this list can do something to combat this problem, so read on to find the right pair for your pup.
Btw, our editors (and their pets) picked out these products. They’re always in stock at the time we publish, but there’s a chance they’ll sell out. If you do buy through our links, we may earn a commission. (We’ve got a lot of toys to buy over here, you know?)

Rebecca Caplan
Rebecca Caplan is a writer based in Brooklyn whose work has been featured in The New Yorker, Reductress, and Vulture. She lives in Brooklyn with her perfect, toothless dog Moose.
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