Chris Evans Has Teamed Up With Jinx to Create the “Dog Dream Box”
And good news: The packaging features Captain America and his pup.

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Have you always dreamed of being able to buy an all-natural, protein-forward dog food that features Chris Evans’s beautiful face (and his equally beautiful dog, Dodger) on the packaging? Well, you are in luck because the Jinxopens in a new tab’s Dog Dream Box has arrived to make your very specific dream come true.
Available exclusively at Walmart, the $19 box includes Dodger’s favorite Jinx offerings: a four-pound bag of Jinx’s Organic Chicken Dog Kibble, Chicken and Sweet Potato Tenders treats, a tug rope toy, and a tennis ball. If that weren’t enough, of course, you also get the box, with Evans and Dodger looking back at you.

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opens in a new tabLaunched in 2022, Jinx is a holistic nutrition dog food brand founded by former Casper executives Sameer Mehta, Michael Kim, and Terri Rockovich. Rockovich started the brand in January 2020, after she noticed the importance of nutrition when it came to rehabilitating her dog, Blitz, after a catastrophic back injury.
“You are not a caveman, and your dog is not a wolf,” Rockovich said in a statement opens in a new tabin 2019, ahead of Jinx’s launch. “Our dogs have evolved and have lifestyles full of doggie playdates, trips to the park, long naps, and human cuddles. Jinx is inspired by a modern perspective on advanced nutrition that will help our dogs sustain their healthy, advanced lifestyles.”
Soon, Jinx garnered a star-studded investment teamopens in a new tab, with A-list celebs including Trevor Noah, Halsey, and Will Smith coming aboard the Jinx jamboree. But, of all the celebrities on the Jinx team, it was Captain America himself who really resonated with the brand’s messaging. Evans was eager to partner with Jinx after noticing how big of a difference their food was making for his rescue pup, Dodger.
“I was thrilled to find Jinx — a food Dodger loves to eat and that I know is safe and healthy for him,” reports our favorite of the Chrises opens in a new tab in a statementopens in a new tab featured on Jinx’s website.
The Dream Box is a perfect introduction to the Jinx brand — which not only promotes pups’ wellness but their wellbeing, too. Last year, Jinx provided over 300,000 meals to shelter dogs still waiting to find their permanent families. The brand paid $10,000 in adoption fees for families that adopted a pup during the 2020 pandemic lockdown as part of its “Jinx Returns for Rescues” program. With that kind of philanthropic rap sheet, it’s no surprise that Evans, whose volunteer work spans everything from fighting childhood cancer to saving his hometown movie theateropens in a new tab, was eager to partner with Jinx.
Maybe you are looking to start your dog on a new, delightfully simple wellness journey that prioritizes protein and whole grain. Or maybe you’re just looking to get some dog food with a side of Hollywood hunk. Either way, the Jinx Dream Box might just be the best 20 bucks you ever spent.

Rebecca Caplan
Rebecca Caplan is a writer based in Brooklyn whose work has been featured in The New Yorker, Reductress, and Vulture. She lives in Brooklyn with her perfect, toothless dog Moose.
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