New Dog Program
New pup? No problem. This course will help you handle this very cute but very chaotic time. It covers 12 must-have skills in a week, from potty training to getting your dog to actually pay attention.
What the program covers

Teach your puppy to pay attention to you
Look, new dogs are cute. But they’re also little alien monsters who have descended to destroy our furniture, our sleep, and our lives. Still, we love them. And luckily our friends at Dogo created this New Dog Program to help cover the basics on pup parenting.
Here, they’ll teach your dog 12 new skills in a week. Pretty much all the basics, like potty training, socialization, and building a friendship with your dog. (That last one will be easier than the potty training, FYI.) And it’s fully free for members of the Kinship fam.
New Dog Training 101
Look, new dogs are cute. But they’re also little alien monsters who have descended to destroy our furniture and our sleep. Still, we love them. Luckily, this program covers all the basics, from potty training to proper socialization—all through positive reinforcement. Time to stock up on treats!
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