Submit to Petty Cash · Kinship

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Submit to Petty Cash

by Editors
April 23, 2024
a person on a computer with a dog

What is Petty Cash?

Petty Cash is our series where real pet parents get real about how much they spend. We ask them to break out all the receipts — from the everyday expenses like food budgets and vet bills to surprising splurges like puppy acupuncture and Gotcha Day parties. That way, we all have a little more info on how much it costs to be a pet parent. 

How to submit to Petty Cash

To take part in Petty Cash, please click here and fill out a survey on your spending habits. Choose a recent month, dig deep into your bank statement, and record your pet spends. The form, as well as the series is anonymous, so please don’t share too many identifying details. Note, the editorial team will have your email in case there are any follow-up questions.

Kinship Deals Promo Image
Pet parenting deals, just for our kin

Get (totally free) deals for food, treats, accessories, tech, and way more pet parenting must-haves.

If you have any questions, shoot an email to editorialKinshipcom.

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