Your Pet Can Go Gourmet With These Quail-Egg Treats
A bonus: They’re a great source of protein, vitamins, and minerals.

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When you hear “quail egg,” you probably think of fine dining before you think of pet food. But Arya Sit!, an all-natural, single-ingredient treats brand, is here to show us that gourmet meals need not be relegated only to five-star restaurants. Arya Sit!’s freeze-dried quail-egg treatsopens in a new tab, which also come in capelinopens in a new tab, strawberry yogurtopens in a new tab, chicken breastopens in a new tab, and duck breastopens in a new tab flavors, are loved by dogs and cats alike. The dental-chew beef lollipopsopens in a new tab are a great option, too (and equally visually appealing).
A favorite of ours, simply because of how fancy it sounds, the quail-egg treats are rich in lecithin, which supports a healthy and shiny coat. Plus, quail-egg yolks are a great source of protein, vitamins, and minerals. And at about one-third the size of a chicken-egg yolk, these bright-yellow crunchers are perfect for carrying on a walk or sprinkling as a flavorful food topper at dinner.

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opens in a new tabArya Sit! founder, Alice (dog mom of Arya the Italian Greyhound), worked in the pet food industry for over a decade before she decided to start making her own. She saw that some brands were blending fresh ingredients with artificial flavors, fillers, and preservatives, and the final product lacked the nutrients she wanted to give to her dog. Arya Sit! began with the finest raw ingredients, sourced directly from food suppliers, and freeze dried at peak freshness.
The freeze-dried treats are frozen at negative 35 degrees Fahrenheit with no additional processing. And because Arya Sit! never uses high temperatures, about 90 percent of bioavailable nutrients stay locked in. The treats can be mixed into your dog or cat’s regular meals for a nutritional boost or handed out as a solo treat.
You probably know what to look foropens in a new tab on pet food labels and what your pet needs to live their healthiestopens in a new tab life, but Arya Sit! keeps things transparent. In this case, the treat is called “quail-egg yolk,” so the only only thing in it is — you guessed it — quail-egg yolk. Delivered straight to you in a little clear jar, the treats look so snackable, you’ll be tempted to pop one into your mouth. Just kidding — we can feel your pet shooting daggers at us for even suggesting that.

Maia Welbel
Maia is a freelance writer focused on using storytelling to help people treat our planet with more compassion. She lives in Chicago with her perfect pets, Maxx the dog and Rubie the cat. Find her on maiawelbel.comopens in a new tab and @mwelbelopens in a new tab.
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