Basic Obedience & Training · Kinship

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basic obedience & training

Learn from the experts and train your pet on basic obedience: potty training, crate training, even litter box training. Plus, how to find a professional trainer.

Cat waiting outside the front doors of a house.

Bird flu experts say your outdoor cat should stay inside, but is that even possible?

A woman walking with her dog at golden hour.

Animal behaviorist Karen London on how the time change will affect your cat or dog.

Woman playing with her cat and dog.

Hint: Take it slow.

New Dog Training 101

Look, new dogs are cute. But they’re also little alien monsters who have descended to destroy our furniture and our sleep. Still, we love them. Luckily, this program covers all the basics, from potty training to proper socialization—all through positive reinforcement. Time to stock up on treats!

Start Training
person holding up dog

It may stop the problem in the moment...

Person holding small kitten inside litter box.

It’s definitely a process.

Woman training kitten at home.

Yes, it’s possible.

A woman and her cat plays with the Vetreska heartpurrple cat climber.

They love to play, and you need to keep them busy. Here you go.

Woman playing with her kitten on the carpet at home.

Hey, put those chompers away.

Woman playing at home with her kitten.

Seriously, it’s not as hard as you think.

Ask a Vet

Pet health question that’s not an emergency? Our vet team will answer over email within 48 hours. So, go ahead, ask us about weird poop, bad breath, and everything in between.

Grey cat sitting on top of toilet lid at home.

This is not Meet the Parents.

White Cat And His Reflection On Window While He Stares At The Outside.

The pros and cons of letting your cat explore the neighborhood (and beyond).

two cats sharing litter box

The better question is should they?

A gray cat in a tan cat carrier

Here’s how you can train your stubborn cat to do one of their least-favorite things.

A Burma breed cat on a leashed harness sitting near a feet of a girl at a pedestrian crossing.

Adventure Cats author Laura Moss’s step-by-step guide for hitting the streets with your cat.

Cat sitting in a teal litter box

If you do nothing else, teach your cat to poop in their litter box (not your shoe).

Maine coon cat gnaws spray bottle with water laying on sofa.

And how to really get them to stop jumping on the counter.

Woman playing with her cat.

It’s the key to a happy cat.

Bodil Jane illustration, someone waters a garden with a brown dog in it

Your personality may actually have something to do with your pet’s personality.

Woman playing with a black kitten.

Keep track of all their fun phases with these guidelines.

A brunnette woman petting her black cat sitting on her desk while she prepares to give him a pill

Everything you need to know about the difficult task of medicating a cat.

Woman playing with her cat and dog.

Just a few things to keep in mind so everything goes smoothly as you all get adjusted.

Woman with cat posing near Christmas tree at home.

It’s their favorite of your holiday decorations—for better or for worse (usually worse).

Taylor Swift is TIME Person of The Year.

Maybe even better.

A woman with curly black hair sitting in front of a dark purple and yellow backdrop while looking down affectionately at her two cats sitting on her lap

If your cat still approaches you with a figurative arched eyebrow of skepticism, try these tricks to put them at ease.

White cat with black head spots standing in front of verbal buttons on the living room floor

Cat behaviorist Kristiina Wilson and her viral cat, Steve, are successfully communicating with speech buttons.

woman with dark hair lying in bed with striped cat, both asleep

Here are the pros and cons of having a feline sleeping buddy.

Woman using a laptop in bed, looking at her cat

Here’s how to help your rescue kitty feel at home.

Training a cat sitting with leash and harness on.

This popular training technique isn’t just for dogs. Here’s how you can use it for your cat.

Gray and white cat walking out the door

Your kitty’s an explorer. Just keep their expeditions indoors.

Young  woman doing a High five with her cat while working from home.

It takes some patience (shocker), but it can be done.

An angry kitty swatting at a barking puppy.

A common (if not silly) question with a complicated answer.

cat playing fetch

Move over, pups. This is a cat’s game, too.

A kitten playing with a mouse cat toy.

Your cat deserves to play. You deserve to walk away unscathed.

A redheaded woman in a black hat and sunglasses holding her pug dog under her arm as well as two boarding passes and her passport in an airport hallway

Not every public place allows ESAs — but there are ways to advocate for yourself and your needs when your pup or other ESA is not on the guest list.

An angry and hissing Siamese kitten standing on top of a laptop computer in the living room

Tips to help you find a legit behaviorist (according to a veterinary behaviorist).

Gray cat sniffing a glass on a shelf

A veterinarian on how nosework and scent enrichment can strengthen your bond.

Couple holding a white cat in their arms

Take things slow, according to cat behaviorist Jennifer Van de Kieft.

2 cats on a small chair

Feels high stakes because it kind of is.