Behavior & Body Language · Kinship

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behavior & body language

Tail wagging? Ear pinning? It all means something. We’ll show you how to understand your pet (and communicate with them) with guides to decode the weirdest body language and behavior.

Cat playing with sneakers at home.

We call it a “feline foot fetish.”

Woman petting her fluffy white cat at home.

Turn down the volume, dude!

Woman holding cat in her lap at home.

Certain kitties excel at animal-assisted services.

Ask a Vet

Pet health question that’s not an emergency? Our vet team will answer over email within 48 hours. So, go ahead, ask us about weird poop, bad breath, and everything in between.

Cat sitting in a suitcase at home.

Your little jetsetter.

Black and white cat stares out the window at home.

A little breeze is nice. Just make sure that screen is sturdy.

Woman looking into her dog's eyes outside.

Your guide to understanding PTSD in pets—including how to help them heal.

Cat coming out of hiding from a shoe rack at home.

Come out, come out, wherever you are!

Woman holding her cat in her hands.

That whole cuddle and then attack scenario, explained.

Cute polydactyly orange cat sleeping at home.

Here's what do they do with all those little toe beans.

New Dog Training Programs

Try these free training programs from our friends at Dogo to help with new dog life and basic obedience.

Start Training
Cat licking woman's hand at home.

Since when did my cat become a dog who can’t stop licking me? We explain why.

cat with tail lifted

It really is the grossest thing they do.

Man petting his gray cat at home.

Most of the time, it’s completely normal.

Woman looking at her gray cat on the bed.

And how to communicate in a way they’ll understand.

Cat bringing woman a little mouse toy at home.

Uh, thanks?

Cat burying its kibble at home.

Don’t worry—it’s usually a normal behavior.

Growth Charts

So, you have a new, tiny family member? Well, we’ll help you track their growth, keep an eye on their health, and even predict how not-so-tiny they’ll become. Just add their weight to start.

Start Charting
Woman snuggling her striped gray cat at home.

It all comes down to attachment styles.

Funny Tuxedo cat sitting on the roof outside.

Find out if the internet-fueled rumor is true.

Woman talking to her large black and white dog at home on the couch.

You do have some pretty great songs.

Woman snuggling her cat outside.

Cats—they’re just like us! OK, not really.

Two cats sleeping by a window at home.

Hey, there, dude—isn’t that a little personal?

Naughty cat knocked over a house plant at home.

They clearly feel something after they’re naughty—but what is it?

Scared cat hiding from dog on a desk.
Woman staring at her small striped kitten on the bed.

Understand your cat’s chatter.

Funny fat cat sitting on the floor at home.

That’s an interesting move...

Woman petting her orange cat in bed.

Are they trying to tell you something with all that noise?

Gray cat pawing woman's hand at home.

Cats paws are cute, but not so much when they’re repeatedly smacking you.

Funny cat trying to sneak a piece of fruit off the kitchen table.

Sometimes it feels like we're living with a little spy.

Gray cat running around indoors.

It’s odd, but should it be concerning?

Curled up tabby cat sleeping on pillows

A very sleepy kitty isn’t usually a problem, but watch out for these signs of medical distress.

Cute cat sitting outside with tongue sticking out.

Most reasons are harmless, but some are cause for concern.

Young woman hugging her cat

We break down everything you need to know.

Cat looking outside window.

We explore the main reasons why this occurs and what you can do about it.

Woman staring at her orange cat's face.

Studies show this is the best way to bond with your kitty.

Woman hugging cat to her face at home.

They tell you in their own way.

Cat meowing up at someone outside.

It seems like some cats know how to say “hello.”

Woman holding cat in her arms.

Is your cat ignoring you? Try making your voice a little cuter.

Woman with a large cat on her lap, sleeping.

Ummm, ew.

Two cats staring at each other at home.

Now we get where “copycat” came from.

Cute orange cat laying in someone's clothes in a drawer.

Those are clean clothes, bud, but sure.

A young girl brushing her teeth while her cat watches.

Uh, do you need anything, kitty?

Cat grabbing onto ledge of table and looking to the left

Yes, they are right behind you.

Woman petting her cat's belly.

That’s right—belly rubs are not just for dogs.

Funny gray cat watching someone between a crack in the door.

Sometimes you don’t need guarding—you just need a little privacy.

Sad woman petting her cat on the couch.

Their reactions may surprise (or perplex) you.

Woman trying to hold her cat in a hug.

Don’t despair—it isn’t you.

a red cat stretching on a bed

Sure, it’s curious—but is it also concerning?

Orange cat stretched out and sleeping in bed.

It’s normal, except when it’s loud.

Woman staring at her cat resting on her lap.

Here’s how you can get back in their good graces.

Kitten sitting on a dog's back.

Here's how to help the new arrival settle in.

person holding up dog

It may stop the problem in the moment...

Cat watching woman sleep in bed.

Is it creepy or sweet? With help from an expert, we got to the bottom of why they’re staring at you.

Man playing with his two kittens in bed.

What to do, when something that was cute at first becomes perplexing.

Cat sleeping in between woman's legs.

Here are the most common reasons.

Cute kitten sitting alone, looking out of a window.

Cats are independent but still need attention and care.

Cat sleeping on boy's head in bed.

Why this common issue occurs, what it means, and what you can do about it.

Small kitten playing with a rubber ball at home.

It's not just crumpled tin foil.

Male and female cat lying side by side.

There’s more to it than what you learned in health class.

Cat playing in woman's hair at home.

Here’s why your cat won’t stop eating your hair, and what you can do about it if you don’t like it.

Orange and white cat wagging it's tail at home.

And what does each type of wag mean about your cat’s mood?

Man feeding his two cats at home.

Even if you don’t think they should be.

Tattooed and pierced woman wearing a black and white striped shirt and holding an upset looking cat

Cat behaviorist Kristiina Wilson on how to tell if your cat is grumpy—or just kind of like that.

Man holding his large orange cat in his arms.

A behaviorist’s advice.

Dog looking at full moon outside.

Dogs are 28 percent more likely to have a trip to the emergency room around the full moon.

dark-haired woman hugging cat that has imprinted on her

Feeling like you have a little shadow these days? Here’s why that’s happening.

Woman holding her cat up in the air.

Umm, excuse you, kitty.

Man watching his ginger cat eat at home.

Do they really need an audience?

Someone petting a cat rolling on back on the floor.

Regardless of the reason, you have multiple photos of it on your phone... so cute.

Orange cat stretching in front of woman at home.

It’s cute, but what does it mean?

Cat rubbing against someone's feet at home.

All that cat hair on your pants is just a bonus.

Cute scared kitten outside by the front door.

The term scaredy-cat didn’t enter the lexicon out of nowhere.

Man looking at his orange cat at home.

Meet MeowTalk, the app that translates your kitty’s screams into actual English.

Woman hugging her cat at home.

They know what they are doing when they “cry” for food.

Cat looking at laptop with woman at home.

More proof that your cat is paying attention.

Cute orange kitten walking outside in the grass.

And should they?

Kitten licking woman's nose on the couch.

No complaints, but...

In this photograph provided by Alexandra Betts, the cat, Rayne Beau, is seen eating food provide by Betts in Roseville, Calif., in Aug. 2024.

Is this the real-life plot of Homeward Bound or what?

Woman petting her Siamese cat on her lap.

They’re pretty great for people, too.

Woman playing fetch with her cat at home.

The classic game isn’t just for dogs.

Woman kissing her pet cat at home.

You’re gettin’ awfully close there, pal.

Two cats fighting at home.

And how to avoid any problems.

Kitten playing with cat at home.

Nice to meet you!

Red cat with squinted eyes laying in a basket closeup

Here are all the way your kitty is trying to tell you they’re hurting.

A cat being friendly with a dog outside.

No, cats don’t always land on their feet.

Man looking out the window with his German Shepherd dog at home.

While you watch the forecast, we dig into whether this is a myth—or science.

Woman talking to her cat at home.

Great, one more thing for them to judge us on: our conversation skills.

Woman holding cat on her lap.

And you can best comfort your sad kitty.

Cat sleeping on the sofa at home.

Besides looking like the perfect little sourdough baby.

Black Puppy Sniffing Reflection In Mirror.

They do seem to act different after a trip to the groomer, right?

Cat nuzzling person's hand.

Seventeen years ago, one unique kitty inspired the question, and experts remain curious to this day. 

a cat making an excited face at a person's hand

They’re not so mysterious after all.

Two cats meeting each other for the first time at home.
Woman holding her cat.

They might not care about the answer, but you do.

Woman petting cat on her desk at home.

They’re trying to tell you something... but what?

White Cat And His Reflection On Window While He Stares At The Outside.

The pros and cons of letting your cat explore the neighborhood (and beyond).

Man holding his orange cat in his arms outside.

Thankfully, their natural instincts serve them well.

Man cuddling his gray cat.

You love them like a child, but is the feeling mutual?

Woman petting her cat at her desk.

Oh, hello.

A cat sitting on a shelf with glassware.

Your brand new iPhone, antique figurine, full glass of water—they will swat it off the table. A cat behaviorist explains why.

cat snuggling man

Five surprising ways cats show affection (and how you can show it back), according to a cat behaviorist.

Woman hugging her orange cat at home.

And the surprising way to get your kitty to be more affectionate.

Extremely blissed out cats on a psychedelic background

I’m so high right meow.

Woman holding her scared cat in her arms.

The internet says kitties despise “s” sounds, but it’s a little more complex than that.

Man holding his small white dog in bed.

Trauma can take many forms. Along with traditional therapy, animals are a great help.

Funny white cat plays on cat tree inside.

A question you may be asking after you observe any number of their behaviors...

Cat licking woman's face.

It’s sweet, but a little much.

A woman holding a cat.

My, what lovely teeth they have...

Woman holding her cat in a dark room.

Those glowing orbs certainly seem to be looking at something.

Cat sleeping at woman's feet in bed.

Other than the fact that they love you so very much.

Cat kneading pet parent

Among other things, “making biscuits” is a sign of affection. We’re not crying…

Bengal cat with a calculator, bills and coins on the background of the room.

They aren’t exactly CPAs, but they can probably tell you which piggy bank has more coins in it.

illustration of a dog in a pool with a pink hat and pink shoes

If your friends make fun of you for treating your dog like a human being, send them this.

an orange cat with a purple-and-red night sky in the background

Are you a good match for an extroverted, social kitty — or a little Miss Independent?

Young girl cuddling and holding her cute cat.

Could the secret to understanding your cat be right under their paws?

dog parent looking at a night sky with their dog

A Mercury petrograde, if you will—with a side of the zoomies.

Ginger cat mom and kitten resting.

The “I’m just a baby” TikTok sound definitely applies here.

Woman on her phone sitting on couch while cat watches.

It’s not all in your head.

Woman trying to hug a grumpy orange cat.

We can tell when cats are happy, but we’re pretty bad at figuring out when they’re not.

cat meowing

How to decode your cat’s love language when one meow has many meanings.

Scared black cat standing on couch.

They do love to stare at absolutely nothing.

Woman holding brown kitten to her face.

Forget everything you think you know about baby cats.

Woman playing with her cat.

It’s the key to a happy cat.

cat staring at person on table

...Is it something you said?

A rescue cat on a longtail fishing boat looks at the water for fish in Thailand.

More importantly: Do they want to?

Somali cat lie inside transperent plastic box.

“A cat can generally fit into anything their head can fit into.”

Black cat crying.

They aren’t exactly going to weep over a rom-com marathon with you, but here are the reasons your kitty could shed a tear.

Pregnant woman with his brown and white cat on her lap.

Yes, cats can detect pregnancy in humans.

Bengal cat running on indoor wheel

Stoke your little lion’s hunting instinct with these electronic cat toys.

Black cat jumping from the table to the closet.

Cats can jump much higher than you might think.

Cat making a disgusted face.

Yes, cats have a powerful sense of smell.

Bodil Jane illustration, someone waters a garden with a brown dog in it

Your personality may actually have something to do with your pet’s personality.

Woman playing with a black kitten.

Keep track of all their fun phases with these guidelines.

A brunnette woman petting her black cat sitting on her desk while she prepares to give him a pill

Everything you need to know about the difficult task of medicating a cat.

Woman playing with her cat and dog.

Just a few things to keep in mind so everything goes smoothly as you all get adjusted.

Home cat sitting on a chair with citrus.

They have up to 200 million odor receptors that can pick up all the good (and horrible) smells. Learn how to best support their sensitive sniffers.

A cat walking by a little box

I introduced my cat to an automatic litter box, and let’s just say it went off with multiple hitches.

Two cats walking with their tails sticking straight up

Cats are enigmas. But their tail movements can reveal a lot about their moods.

a tattooed person with curly red hair on a couch pets a brown and black cat

It’s all in their noses.

Woman in a white sweater hugging her cat next to a window

Four ways cats can combat seasonal depression.

orange cat sleeping on pillow

If so, they’re probably about going to the vet in that stupid carrier.

Two tabby cats in embrace lying in cushion.

Communication is key, and pheromones are your cat’s version of DMs.

a black cat’s amber eyes

Those glowing orbs are actually a pretty useful result of evolution.

A cute cat laying on the ground with wide eyes

Here’s what your cat’s favorite move means.

A woman with curly black hair sitting in front of a dark purple and yellow backdrop while looking down affectionately at her two cats sitting on her lap

If your cat still approaches you with a figurative arched eyebrow of skepticism, try these tricks to put them at ease.

A German shepherd and cat play affectionately in a bed.

There’s no winning this argument, but here’s what you should know about parenting your new pet.

Happy spooky season.

A kitten playing with feathers

Here are the toys that will motivate your pet to get in the game.

kitten sleeping on top of person

Not into cuddling? Too bad — they’re spending the night.

A cat headbutting a woman on her laptop.

Apparently, you should take it as a compliment.

A cat climbing shelves and pawing at a planter.

Animal behaviorist Karen B. London on how to create great escapes for your cat without leaving home.

Small striped kitten raising one paw to play with a feather while sitting on a bed

A cat’s paw preference can give you insight into their temperament, behavior, and emotions.

Cute little girl playing with her pet kitten at home.

Boundaries are the name of the game with this one.

Woman playing with two cats on bed.

Is there a green-eyed monster hiding in that adorable ball of fluff?

A white cat hiding on a book shelf.

No, they’re not on the lam. Here are four reasons your cat might be MIA.

Maine coon cat using the litter box.

And how you can encourage them to cover up after doing their business.

Brown and White Cat With Rainbow Across Her Eyes.

Yes, cats can see colors.

A kitten sneaking up on a laser pointer with big, interested eyes.

People have opinions about this cat toy. Here’s what you need to know.

Cat with ginger medium length hair and green eyes

From health predispositions to breed history, Wisdom Panel’s genetic testing revealed my cat’s internal world.

Woman With A Book And Her Cute Cat At Home.

The author and artist uses informative (and freakin’ adorable) images to teach cat parents everything about kitty communication.

Image of orange cat with veterinary cone on its head.

If you’re bracing yourself for some wackiness, don’t worry — it won’t last forever.

kittens licking woman's hand

Hey, everybody’s got their thing.

woman sits on a bed looking solemn, alongside her cat

Good thing they can’t talk about you in therapy.

Cat being affectionate towards woman with tattoos

You could solve the mystery that is your kitty.

Cat looking at human

They want you around more than your sweaty T-shirt in their carrier, but thanks for the thought.

Cute portrait of young woman hugging cat at home at porch  on a blue striped couch

Turns out, cats have made medical breakthroughs simply by being...cats.

A fluffy gray cat playfully swiping at a brown scruffy dog

Just kidding, but you (or other pets) might be stressing them out more than necessary. Here’s how.

Gray striped cat and white cat playing on cat tree.

A recent study breaks down the difference.

Small gray tabby kitten playing with a toy
White cat switching on lamp on couch

You want to sleep, your cat wants to party. Here’s how to deal.

According to a new study, cats know what their parents’ facial expressions mean. Just, uh, FYI.

Black cat staring at a cat toy

Cat behaviorist Cristin Tamburo’s got a game plan.

Short haired woman holding a gray cat that's playfully pawing at her nose

It’s a little more complicated than that.

black cat doing zoomies on a bed

Fast, furious, and officially normal — according to a cat behaviorist.

Two tabby cats cuddling each other with their eyes closed

Cat behaviorist Kristiina Wilson on the importance of socializing cats.

Cat running in the foreground outside with a dog out of focus running in the background

We all have our talents.

A guide to their not-so-secret tells.

Dog in high contrast lit hallway standing near a food bowl

It’s a gut thing: Your dog’s GI issues could be linked to their mental health.

Two cats laying on a cat bed in the living room looking at each other

They’d probably still say, “I don’t know her.”

Black and White cat with its eyes closed laying on its back on a scarf

In this excerpt from her new book, Purr: The Science of Making Your Cat Happy, animal behaviorist Zazie Todd shares science-backed insights into our cats’ moods.

Two cats in a living room that appear to be arguing.

Between actual cats, people.

Young woman hugging her cat

Surprise: It doesn’t always mean they’re happy.

A cat outside showing its bottom teeth.

Scientists believe they could be mimicking the calls of their prey.

Cat being happily pet in the sunshine of a window

There is a right and wrong way.

Black woman sitting on her couch with laptop and petting her cat

A new study finally confirms what pet parents already know: cats are great communicators.

a cat making a strange face with its mouth open.

That disapproving sneer is actually the “Flehmen response.” A cat behaviorist explains how to read cats’ lips.

A fluffy cat looking up next to a food dish.

Cats prefer to be served, study says.

Russian blue cat lying on laptop sitting on working desk

There are lapdogs, and then there are laptop cats. Cat behaviorist Cristin Tamburo on how to cut down on your cat’s screen time.

Tabby cat yowling with crazy eyes

The meow is coming from inside the house.

Woman laying on her bed while hugging her cat

A cat pawing at your face at 4 a.m. is hard to ignore, but cat behaviorist Cristin Tamburo suggests you try.

White and light brown cat laying down with eyes almost closed

A team of psychologists at the Universities of Sussex and Portsmouth have discovered the key to building a bond with cats.

orange cat lifting its paw

Are they saying “Hi” or trying to high five? Cat behaviorists decode your pet’s cryptic hand signal.

Cornish Rex cat laying down on a pillow

Which cats are more likely to have stranger danger? Bite the hand that feeds them? Do the zoomies? Scientists studied 5,700 pet cats and discovered some interesting traits.

cat hissing under chair

Your cat’s hissy fit could mean Don’t test me or Let’s do this. We wouldn’t call their bluff.

Dog lying down on a red blanket while being pet

Is it all in their heads?