Cat Health · Kinship

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Cat Health

Get health advice from vets and specialists, from major medical stuff to everyday pet wellness.

Man holding his cat in his arms at home.

Can You Use Neosporin on Cats? Here’s Why Not

Just because it works on humans doesn’t mean it’s good for cats.

routine care

Want to ace everyday pet wellness? Get tips on vet checks, vaccine schedules, preventative care, DIY remedies, and more.

Cute cat waiting to be fed by woman at home.

Before you put your cat on a diet—read this.

Cat with a toothbrush

Vets explain how fish-flavored toothpastes and nifty finger brushes can prevent more than tooth fur.

Woman holding her cute small kitten in her hands.

Want your kitty to live their best, healthiest life? Get them vaccinated.

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conditions & treatments

The medical stuff is stressful. Get expertise on common (and not-so-common) health issues, from causes and symptoms to the latest treatments for pets.

Siamese cat coughing

You thought it was a hairball, but nothing’s coming up…

brown cat in grass

How to help your kitty when they hawk one up.

Two more Oregon cats die from bird flu virus in raw food.

A recall has been issued for the contaminated product.

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Ask a Vet

Pet health question that’s not an emergency? Our vet team will answer over email within 48 hours. So, go ahead, ask us about weird poop, bad breath, and everything in between.

skin issues & allergies

Casual scratch? Weird paw lick? Seasonal allergies? Fleas? We’ll help you decipher all the pet skin issues.

Cat napping on a yellow couch against a yellow background

That's right—your cat can get acne. Here’s how to spot it and treat it.

Cat annoyed at dog at home.

They may not be the biggest fans sometimes, but that’s different.

Gray and white striped cat is scratching his ear

Everything you need to know about cat allergies, according to three veterinary dermatologists.

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Pet grooming? Not always glamorous. Get DIY nail-clipping tutorials, bath-time tricks, and celeb groomer tips to keep your pet looking (and feeling) good.

Cat with a toothbrush

Vets explain how fish-flavored toothpastes and nifty finger brushes can prevent more than tooth fur.

Small orange kitten getting a bath.

Bathe your kitten safely and effectively.

Healing stone on Cavalier spaniel dog.

Your pet can benefit from your self-care practices, from CBD to acupuncture. (Yep, you read that right.)

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Get tips on pet-proofing your digs, keeping them warm (or cool) through the seasons, and avoiding all the toxic stuff…like toys, plants, and everything else they try to eat.

Man holding his cat in his arms at home.

Just because it works on humans doesn’t mean it’s good for cats.

Funny bodega cat in New York City.

Sign it to make sure your favorite little guy can stay at your corner store.

Woman eating brownies in front of her dog at home.

The most common reasons people called the Animal Poison Control Center hotline in 2024.

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holistic vet care

Check out the latest alternative pet care treatments, like massage techniques, herbal remedies, and other not-so-traditional therapies.

Woman giving dog a massage.

Follow these tips to get treatments covered by your plan.

A woman holding a cat close to her while sitting on a yoga mat.

The next time they try to kiss your face while you’re in corpse pose, let them.

Two tabby cats in embrace lying in cushion.

Communication is key, and pheromones are your cat’s version of DMs.

View More holistic vet care Articles

Emergencies & First Aid

Learn who to call for pet emergencies, how to know when a pet injury is an emergency, and other urgent care advice to help in a pinch.

Siamese cat coughing

You thought it was a hairball, but nothing’s coming up…

Woman holding her cat, looking concerned.

Anytime you see blood, its concerning. But the good news is that it isnt always as scary as it seems.

Cute dog at the vet's office.

BluePearl Pet Hospital wants your pet to be a hero.

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dental health

Wonder how often you really need to brush your pet’s teeth? Here's everything you need to know about caring for their pearly whites.

Cat with a toothbrush

Vets explain how fish-flavored toothpastes and nifty finger brushes can prevent more than tooth fur.

Woman brushing cat's teeth.

Health issues that begin in the mouth do not stay in the mouth. Stop them before they start.

Cat grooming itself.

Much to their disappointment, taking care of your cat’s teeth is essential.

View More dental health Articles