Just because it works on humans doesn’t mean it’s good for cats.
Get tips on pet-proofing your digs, keeping them warm (or cool) through the seasons, and avoiding all the toxic stuff…like toys, plants, and everything else they try to eat.

Sign it to make sure your favorite little guy can stay at your corner store.

The most common reasons people called the Animal Poison Control Center hotline in 2024.
Ask a Vet
Pet health question that’s not an emergency? Our vet team will answer over email within 48 hours. So, go ahead, ask us about weird poop, bad breath, and everything in between.

A recall has been issued for the contaminated product.

Bird flu experts say your outdoor cat should stay inside, but is that even possible?
You may have heard about some dogs who have gone missing.
As shelters overflow with animals, it’s worth asking.
Learn about non-toxic options that won’t harm your kitty.
Can Wet Cat Food Cause Diarrhea?
And when should you offer them another option?
Get your fix of Kinship
We promise not to send you garbage that turns your inbox into a litter box. Just our latest tips and support for your pet.

Pets must be kept away from this hair loss medication.

House plants are great, but so is keeping your cat safe.

All you need to know about snake plants — plus, other plants that are toxic (and safe).

What you need to do, have, and know in the moment (hopefully, it never comes).

Can Cats Eat Dog Food?
It shouldn’t be their main course. Here’s why.

The recommendation comes after multiple cats passed away from the virus.

What you need to know if wildfires affect your community.

These plants might be beautiful, but they’re deadly to feline foragers.

Are Roses Toxic to Cats?
They sure do like sniffing around those bouquets...
Just because you can withstand the temps doesn’t mean they can.

A cat in Oregon passed after eating from the affected batch.
Our experts explain.

Some plants are not so merry.

And flowers that aren’t safe, too.

With bird flu cases on the rise, scientists are worried the virus could mutate.
Are Ferns Toxic to Cats?
They’re great plants to brighten any home. But is your cat safe around them?

Maybe so—but not toxic like your ex-best friend is toxic.
Find out what you can and can’t plant in your garden.
Why Does My Cat Eat Grass?
And should they?

They make your lawn look picture-perfect, but keep your cat away. Here’s why.
They’re pretty to look at, but can your cat be an admirer?

Everything we know about this viral story and the product behind it.
If you receive this flower in a bouquet, keep it away from your cat.
If your kitty is poking exploring your garden, this flower isn’t much of a danger. Here’s why.

As scorching, long-lasting temperatures become the new normal, here’s how to help keep your pets cool and healthy.

Nearly 40 domestic cats have been infected with bird flu—two of which have never been outside.

August and September are the most active months for rabid bats. Here’s how to keep your pet safe.

Pre-flight cuddles are OK, but the carrier is safest for your pal the rest of the trip. Here’s why.

If your mental health is causing you to neglect your pet, find them immediate care while you get help.

The real question is: Should you?
You’ve gotta love sunflower season—here’s why your cat can, too.

Unpacking the research on whether PFAs pose a health risk to our besties.
Can Cats Sweat?
They definitely seem to get a good workout with that feather toy they’re obsessed with.

And the signs to look out for if you’re concerned.

Find out how to buy truly cruelty-free products.

The East Coast just had a rare earthquake. A vet breaks down what to include in an emergency go-bag for your pet in times like this.
They’re cute in the garden, not so much for your cat. Here’s why.

It’s not always as simple as removing the stinger. Find out everything you need to know.

Five different pet foods have been contaminated.

A VCA Animal Hospital expert explains everything you need to know about preparing for a natural disaster.

Adventure cats, beware: This plant can be seriously dangerous.

You need to be extra careful if your dog or cat is your gardening assistant.

As the temps rise, it becomes extremely risky for your pet’s health.

Holy Stranger Things! (But calm down; it’s not nearly that bad.)

And how to make sure your kitty’s is up to date if they already have one.

It’s the unofficial start of summer, and you don’t want to spend it at the emergency vet.

From ticks-borne disease to nasty parasites, these areas have seen the most dog and cat illnesses.

These flowers are cheerful, but you need to keep them far away from your kitty.

Everything pet parents should know about keeping their pups safe and stress-free during this rare event.

Unpasteurized milk can transmit avian influenza from cows to mammals.

Everything you need to know about how the eclipse will affect your pets.

This holiday weekend, keep those Easter lilies far away from your kitty.

These are the most common reasons pet parents call poison control.
More importantly: Do they want to?

Cats love the crunch of a houseplant. These will do them no harm.

Channel your inner HGTV star and build a feline fixer-upper.

Top 10 Foods That Are Toxic to Cats
Sharing isn’t always caring. Keep your cat safe by keeping these human snack staples to yourself.

Here’s what you need to know if you think your pet has been affected.

Lost Pets: How to Get Them Back
Find out what to do when your pet goes missing with these tips from a pet recovery expert.
Eating any part of the Christmas tree sounds gross. But here’s why your cat really shouldn’t.
Maybe skip this holiday decoration if you’ve got a cat in the house—here’s why.

Chances are, your cat is already plotting some Christmas chaos.

Find out whether you can get that elaborate flower arrangement—or if you should skip it.

Can Cats Eat Catnip?
They’re definitely pulling for the answer to be an emphatic “yes,” but...not so fast.

Cats might be a symbol of Halloween, but that’s as far as they want it to go.

Albert Sanchez’s Veterinary Ambulance of Southern California brings pets to accessible emergency vet care when they need it—any time of day or night.

Learn what you should do if your “spider babies” and cat baby interact.

And other summer safety tips.

A cat veterinarian explains why the inhumane surgery is no joke.

How to keep your DIY spa pet-friendly.

These stems are sure to make Mom smile (and avoid a trip to the pet ER).

You aren’t the only one getting way too high from edibles. A study published on 4/20 found an uptick in cannabis poisonings in pets.

Several cats and one dog in North America have died of the virus. Here’s how to keep them safe.

How to DIY a Catio
Cat behaviorist Cristin Tamburo’s tips for building a safe outdoor space for your cat.

How to Cat-Proof Your House
Ten steps for keeping your cat out of trouble.

Residents have reported concerning health problems with their animals.

Sound advice from seasoned dog and cat parents who have been there.

The U.S. has a long way to go when it comes to ending what Gov. Gavin Newsom calls “cruel and unnecessary testing.”

Because there’s nothing scarier than being off-trend.

Enter: Wondercide, a plant-based, sustainable, pesticide-free mosquito-repellent set safe to use around your pet.

A key number to remember here: 21.

Duuuude...where are the mosquitos?

The state passed a bill that will end the inhumane breeding and transport process.

Two veterinarians’ pro tips for preventing your cat from picking up ticks (and how to remove them if it’s too late for that).

Don’t make this dangerous mistake when picking out flea prevention products.

Pet parents beware of the dangers in your medicine cabinet.