Hannah Shaw Wants You to Get Your Pet to the Vet
The “Kitten Lady” has partnered with Royal Canin and Uber Pet to help you stay on top of your cat’s health.

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“There are more than 90 million cats in U.S. households, yet less than half receive a yearly veterinary exam.” That jaw-dropping statistic, from the American Pet Products Association and Veterinary Practice News, sits at the heart of a new initiative from Royal Caninopens in a new tab, the nutrition-rich pet food brand that’s been feeding pets for more than 50 years.
To drive home their ethos of helping your pets “live their healthiest lives,” they launched a unique partnership with Uber Petopens in a new tab as part of their “ Take Your Pet to the Vetopens in a new tab” campaign. It’s supported by “Kitten Lady” Hannah Shawopens in a new tab — the New York Times best-selling author of books like Tiny But Mightyopens in a new tab, a guide to taking care of kittens, and founder of the nonprofit, adoption-centric Orphan Kitten Clubopens in a new tab.

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opens in a new tabFor a limited time, Royal Canin is giving out 5,000 Uber Pet vouchers for up to $10 off the first 5,000 rides in U.S. cities where Uber Pet is available. The voucher code is only available through Uber Pet. More details hereopens in a new tab, plus Shaw’s checklist of essentials to ask your vet when you get there.
Why it’s important to get ahead on your pet’s health
If you couldn’t already tell, Shaw is a bit of an expert when it comes to pet care — cats specifically. In fact, we’d be lost without her vast catalog of instructional YouTube videosopens in a new tab, which are as adorable as they are educational. Be sure to also look out for “Cat En Route,” her social-media series in partnership with Royal Canin veterinarians, for even more insight. There’s a reason the ASPCA named her “ Cat Advocate of the Yearopens in a new tab” in 2019. So, when she tells us we need to take our cats before they’re sick, we’re inclined to listen.
“Cats are such stoic animals that you often don’t know when they are hiding an illness or injury, but it’s up to us, their caregivers, to be their advocate,” the San Diego-based Shaw says in a press releaseopens in a new tab. “A recent medical experience with my own cat reminded me of the importance of making regular veterinary visits a priority.” In the long run, this will save you money, stress, and possible heartache.
How often should your cat receive medical care?
So, how often does your cat need a check-up? Kittens may require several visitsopens in a new tab: for blood and fecal tests, vaccinations, spay/neutering, and growth monitoring. After that, it’s best to lean into preventative care (just like with humans!): Once a year for adults, and twice a year for seniors.
Per Royal Canin, roughly 30 percent of cat parents don’t take their pet to the vet because it’s inconvenient, especially when it comes to transportation. Here’s hoping this partnership with Uber Pets can finally change that.

Nisha Gopalan
Nisha Gopalan has been a writer/editor for The New York Times, New York magazine, Entertainment Weekly, Variety, The Hollywood Reporter, and NYLON magazines. She currently resides in Los Angeles.
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