Cat Nutrition · Kinship

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Cat Nutrition

Prep your pet’s menu with expert tips on food, treats, supplements, recipes, weight management, and more.

A woman eating peanut butter toast with her cat laying on the table
nutrition|Can My Cat Eat This?

Can Cats Eat Peanut Butter?

The sweet-and-salty treat is OK in moderation.

Food & Food Toppers

Kibble or canned? Fresh or dehydrated? Human-grade?! We’ll help you choose the best pet food on the market.

Picky dog doesn't want to eat his kibble at home.

A veterinary nutritionist shares what you can do if you’re being held hostage by your dog’s particular palate.

Hand holding food bowl peeks into frame as a cat looks up expectantly

Four veterinary nutritionists pick apart the claims so that you can choose the right food for your kitty.

Woman getting dinner ready for her pet dog at home.

How to read beyond the buzzwords and find what’s best for your pal.

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Most Popular


Did your pet’s ears just perk up? Get expert recs on everything from dog training bites to catnip chews, plus human foods for healthy snacks.

Cat asking for human food from counter

Good news for your begging cat: Some of your favorite snacks are safe to share.

cat being offered a treat or vitamin

Not your mama’s multivitamin.

Young man playing with large white dog and dog toys.

Here’s how we selected everything you’re shopping in our Best in Show guide this year.

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Ask a Vet

Pet health question that’s not an emergency? Our vet team will answer over email within 48 hours. So, go ahead, ask us about weird poop, bad breath, and everything in between.

vitamins & supplements

Get the lowdown on Omega-3s, superfoods, and other pet vitamins and supplements that help with immunity, joint support, and other issues.

Woman giving her white cat a vitamin.
cat being offered a treat or vitamin

Not your mama’s multivitamin.

Young man playing with large white dog and dog toys.

Here’s how we selected everything you’re shopping in our Best in Show guide this year.

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weight management

Are chunky pets cute? Yes. Can obesity be a serious health problem for pets? Also yes. So let’s talk weight management tips to get your pet in good shape.

A dog and a cat eating from the same food dish.

This National Pet Obesity Awareness Day, here are pro tips to help make sure your pet isn’t packing on too many pounds.

Grey cat at looking up from eating on floor at home

The mind-gut connection isn’t just for people. Your dog or cat’s gut microbiome plays a big role in their health and well-being.

Woman feeds gray cat dry food.

While they might not be working on their gains,” there are other reasons this diet could be a good fit.

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Learn how to home cook healthy pet recipes, from delicious chicken dinners to peanut butter cookies.

two people preparing food for their dogs

These expert-approved recipes will help you use all the food in your kitchen.

Two grey cats eating swiss cheese off of slices of bread while sitting on a table

Save the charcuterie for the humans.

Cat eating from a plate of raspberries and blueberries

Go ahead and serve up the superfood — with a couple caveats.

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Can My Cat Eat...?

Kibble or canned? Fresh or dehydrated? Human-grade?! We’ll help you choose the best pet food on the market.

Cat playing with peas on the dining room table.

And what you should consider in their everyday diet.

A kitten sniffing a ripe half of an avocado in a bowl

Just don’t get out the guacamole bowl.

A woman eating peanut butter toast with her cat laying on the table

The sweet-and-salty treat is OK in moderation.

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