That doesn’t sound good...
conditions & treatments
The medical stuff is stressful. Get expertise on common (and not-so-common) health issues, from causes and symptoms to the latest treatments for pets.
Hint: They’re more common than you’d think.

Yes, it’s gross. But it can be very, very bad if you aren’t proactive.
Ask a Vet
Pet health question that’s not an emergency? Our vet team will answer over email within 48 hours. So, go ahead, ask us about weird poop, bad breath, and everything in between.
Recognizing the signs of ear problems early can help to identify issues before they get out of control.

A little mysterious and a whole lot unsettling.
They don't need to dress up for St. Patrick's Day like this guy.

Whatever you do, don’t google pictures of these little pests.

And when to know if you should be concerned.
Ew. But also: What’s going on?
Get your fix of Kinship
We promise not to send you garbage that turns your inbox into a litter box. Just our latest tips and support for your pet.
This can be normal, but there are some reasons it isn’t.
They really want that cheese...
Learn how much snooze time is normal.

When to worry and what to do when your dog’s eyes look bleary.
An unsettling puzzle to solve.

We break down the most common reasons.
Everything you need to know to keep your dog safe and healthy.

Cool, cool, cool (heavy sarcasm here). These are some steps you can take.
Can Dogs Have Alopecia?
And what to do about it.

Some are more concerning than others.
Nature is nice. Itching? Not so much.
OK, this is getting a little excessive...
Know if or when you should be concerned.

They look so miserable...

Not a fun topic, but we have to talk about it.
What’s goin’ on there, pal?

What to do if yours does.

You just want to make it better.

What you don’t do is ignore it. Here’s what it can mean and how to help your dog heal.

Why, oh why, is your dog eating everything they shouldn’t?

Don’t worry—with a vet’s help, things will be OK.

Nobody likes it; how can you make it go away for your pup?

It’s not fun for anyone.

What you can do to help them.
Why Does My Dog Whimper?
They sound so sad...

Here’s how to figure out if they’re swollen, and what to do if they are enlarged.
That would be a cherry eye, and you’ll want to see your vet.

They aren’t fun, but you can’t leave them alone.

Is that normal?
Are they trying to tell you something, or what?
That can’t be good...

And why they might need one.
We detail everything you need to know about this common dog-sleep behavior.

Here are common reasons why puppies throw up.
Here are the most common causes and what you can do about it.

Vet advice on when you should be worried.
There are a few possible reasons for your pup’s murky stare.
You won’t like the answer, but thankfully there’s a solution.

And how to safely help your pup at home.

Thankfully, there are treatments. But first, you have to figure out why they have an itch to scratch.

Your dog’s most annoying problem of the week — solved.

Know what to expect and spot warning signs as early as possible.

If a bath won’t freshen them up, what will?
An expert weighs in on when it’s totally fine, and when you should start to worry.
What happened to that adorable puppy breath? We explain everything.

It’s no laughing matter. Try these at-home treatments—and if they don’t work, take your dog to the vet ASAP.
Let’s figure out this unsettling mystery.

Here's what you need to get rid of that cough.

Diarrhea in puppies can be caused by many things.

No fleas, but still itching? Here’s (maybe) why.
Here are some ways to get things moving again.

From home treatments to holistic methods—and when to call a vet.

Seeing your pup’s normally perky tail go limp can be unnerving, but it’s really nothing to panic about.

Understand their problem, and make an informed health decision.

And when to visit your veterinarian.

Healthy meals and supplements can help set them on a path to recovery.
Don’t panic: It’s called reverse sneezing, and in most cases, it’s nothing to worry about.

Because no one wants those little devils to stick around any longer than they already have.

It’s not a pretty problem, but here are your solutions.

Learn what is best for your pet.

We can help you get to the bottom of the issue.
It’s not all black and white.
Symptoms to look out for.

Signs to look out for.

Shudder. It happens to all of us.

From toxins to allergies, let’s get down to business and problem-solve this.
It’s a poopy problem to have.
You love your pup, but that’s... pretty gross.
Keep it plain. Here’s why.

What you need to know about this super contagious disease. (Hint: There’s a vaccine.)

Follow these tips to get treatments covered by your plan.

Senior dogs can get a condition called idiopathic “old dog” vestibular disease. Here's everything you need to know.

You can stop your home from becoming a literal flea circus.
It’s not fun for anyone.

No one wants to find them, but here’s what to look out for.

When to call the vet.

Hmm, those weren’t always there...
That’s interesting...
Next question: Will they let you anywhere near their eyes to wipe off that gunk?

Or is it OK to snuggle them close while we recover?

This harmless condition is only temporary. Here’s why it happens.

He says his pup suffered anxiety and breathing issues because of the airline’s actions.
Can You Give Dogs Tums?
Learn what’s safe to do when they have tummy troubles.
And is it normal?

Blue is a good name for a dog—not a good mood.

Luckily, RSV isn’t transmittable between humans and pets. But there are some particularly nasty viral respiratory infections to look out for.
Why Does My Dog Walk Sideways?
It may not be anything serious, but you should understand the causes.

What happens to a dog’s brain when they get older—and how you can slow it down.

Pet insurance is ideal, but there are some other options if you're stuck.
Can Dogs Get Scabies?
And what to look for if you think your pup has them.
You hate to see them like this. Here’s how to (safely) help.
Come out, come out wherever you are, you little pests.
Think of the amount of tissues you’d need...
No one likes it when their tummy hurts.
And what you should do if you think your pup is suffering.
Why Is My Dog Peeing So Much?
Seriously, when will it end?

When to see a vet and when you shouldn’t panic.

From dry skin to anxiety to allergies, we've got a supplement to help your pup’s specific needs.

It is peak tick season, so we asked a veterinarian for tips on how to prevent this dreaded disease.

August and September are the most active months for rabid bats. Here’s how to keep your pet safe.
What you need to know.

Ticks (literally) suck. Keep an eye out for them on your pup.

And the signs to look out for if you’re concerned.
They can’t be saying no that much.

And what to look for week by week.

Nationwide’s veterinary analytics team looked at the cancer claims of 1.61 million dogs and found that purebred dogs are nearly twice as likely to get cancer as mixed breeds.
It’s not always just because they want whatever you’re eating.

This just in: second-hand smoke, still bad.

Everything you need to know to keep your pup safe.

Everything you need to know about canine influenza.
Why Does My Dog Snore?
It seriously sounds like another human being is in the room.

It stinks to see them uncomfortable. Here’s what you can do.

From ticks-borne disease to nasty parasites, these areas have seen the most dog and cat illnesses.

Pet parents underestimate the risk of this serious condition, new survey reveals.
What to look out for if they are sick from this bacteria.

It’s not a pretty sight, but it’s important to know what’s going on.
Yes, and the signs can be subtle. Here’s what to look out for.

Unpasteurized milk can transmit avian influenza from cows to mammals.

Or is this something you only think is happening?
And what you should expect after they receive it.
Well, for one thing, you should know about “garbage gut.”
Can Dogs Sweat?
Yes, but thankfully nothing like you do after a CrossFit workout.
Can Dogs Get Fevers?
What to do to help them cool down and feel better.

Vets advise keeping your pup away from raw fish caught in rivers and lakes.
Can Dogs Get Poison Ivy?
It’s worth asking, especially ahead of all those hikes you’ll take together this summer.

If you think your dog ate marijuana, here are the signs to look out for.

Well, there’s some bad news and some good news with this one.

A good old game of tug of war could help prevent doggie dementia.
Save some for later, my dude!
That familiar corn chip aroma may simply seem quirky, but don’t ignore it.
Why Does My Dog Eat Cat Poop?
Yes, we have to talk about it.

Someone cue “Brown Eyed [Dog].”

Experts are warning pet parents to keep their pups out of the Colorado River.
Why Is My Dog Panting?
It’s not a very pleasant odor, to say the least.

Being constantly starving is in their genes.

In addition to being adorable, it’s nothing to worry about.

You call them toe beans. Your vet uses more technical terms. Whatever they’re called, take care of them.

Here are some options your vet can help you consider.

Look out for these warnings signs so you know when to call the vet.

It’s an alarming sight, but here’s what you should know.

Tips for safe, snug, and happy paws this winter.

It's actually not the big ones.

Scientists are seeing some trends when it comes to pup mortality.

LOY-002 is a drug aimed at improving your pet’s quality of life—and helping them live longer.

And what to do to help them.

Why Do Dogs Chew Their Paws?
And when will it stop?

A study finds small and large dogs have their own unique set of health concerns.

And why stress could be to blame. Your spoiled baby, stressed? Unfortunately, yes.

The Vaccination Against Canine Cancer Study (VACCS trial) is showing promising results.

They are conducting trials on a drug that may extend dogs’ lives.

Can Dogs Get Frostbite?
Yep, all those warnings your mom gave you as a kid apply to your dog, too. Learn how to keep your pup safe in the cold.

Their snout is like a leaky faucet. Should you be worried?

It’s one of several health problems facing brachycephalic breeds.
Can Dogs Get Colds?
We’re all sniffling this time of year. Learn if your pup can get a cold, too.

Learn which breeds are at risk, the symptoms to look out for, and what treatment options are available.

Expert solutions for your pup’s unfortunate flatulence.

A vet on what to do when “anal sacs go bad.”

Hopefully this isn’t info you’ll have to reference often, but here’s what you should know.

Learn about the signs, symptoms, and treatments.

Is My Dog’s Poop Normal?
From bloody poop to diarrhea—all your dog’s poop problems explained.
Can Dogs Get COVID?
The pandemic started nearly four years ago. Here’s what we know about dogs and COVID now.

Why Is My Dog Coughing?
Seven reasons to be concerned when your dog is coughing.

Dog trainer Emma Bowdrey helps explain this common canine behavior.

Don’t panic about the mysterious illness affecting dogs in the U.S. Instead, take these steps to protect your pup.

What we know about the antibiotic chloramphenicol.

The founder and CEO of Loyal, Celine Halioua, tells Kinship what the future of pet parenthood could look like, starting with more time with your pup.

Thankfully, there are several ways you can help your pup feel better.

Here’s why you (probably) shouldn’t worry.

Hope for dogs with arthritis is on the horizon.

Tips for treating achy joints — from medications to massages.

Your dog sees you as their best friend, so keep those eyes healthy.

The FDA determined it has a “reasonable expectation of effectiveness.”

Don’t panic, but definitely talk to your vet if you’re worried about any of these conditions.

Certain symptoms could mean your dog is battling a potentially fatal condition called hemorrhagic gastroenteritis (HGE). Here’s everything you need to know.

Get all the info about this highly contagious respiratory illness—including its possible origins.

With all the festivities (and eating!) afoot, it’s extra important to know how to prevent the disease.

Here’s what we know — and how to protect your pup.

How to Get a Dog to Eat
You can’t appease your picky new dog with chicken nuggets like you can with your toddler. Here are some things you can do.

Dogs can suffer from gum disease, too. Here’s how to prevent it.

Seriously, everything on this list is super treatable.

Puppy mills and animal traffickers are tricking Craigslist users into purchasing dangerously — sometimes terminally — sick dogs.

Dogs need more sleep than humans. Here’s how much is healthy.

DIY ways to help your pup cope with the pain.

It doesn’t just affect humans. Thankfully, this kind of wound infection is uncommon, but here’s what to look out for.

If your dog drinks from puddles or splashes around in lakes, read this.

What we know and what dog parents should look out for.

Don’t be scared. Follow these steps.

If your pup’s bathroom habits have changed, they might have a UTI. Here’s how to help.

Yeah, it’s super gross — but your pup will thank you.

Here’s how to spot the eye condition and help your dog see more clearly.

Unraveling the Grain-Free Dog Food Debate: Examining the Potential Link to Canine Heart Disease
Integrative veterinarian Dr. Lindsey Wendt shares advice on a sometimes controversial, always changing topic.

The potentially deadly virus can be prevented with one simple step.

Find out what causes lymphoma in dogs and how you can help your pup.

Everything you need to know to keep the pests at bay.

There are safer alternatives, and you should always, always check with a vet before giving your pup anything.
No, you should not use Neosporin on your dog’s wounds.

Research finds why dogs may suddenly become super sensitive to sounds.

Time for a (literal) gut check from four experts.

Here’s the info you need before you buy.

Everything you need to know about the anti-seizure medication.

Here are the types of worms your pup could get, how you know they have them in the first place, and how to get rid of them for good.

One in four dogs will develop a form of cancer. This new test hopes to catch cases earlier and increase success rates.

What are the best ways to manage a dog’s pain?

Ringworm isn’t fun for anyone, but it is treatable — and preventable.

Your older dog is the love of your life. Here are some health issues to look out for.

Dermatologist and star of Pop Goes the Vet Dr. Joya Griffin on the season’s often misunderstood phenomenon.

Several cats and one dog in North America have died of the virus. Here’s how to keep them safe.

It might be a sign of a bigger issue.

Here are four common dental problems your pup might face and how to treat them.

Dogs are especially at risk for ear infections. Here’s what to look out for.

Gallant CEO Dr. Linda Black on how you can affordably give your dog a long and happy life, thanks to science.

And how to help them feel better fast.

It can’t be cured, but it can be managed. Partnering with your vet will be the key.

What you need to know about seizures and dogs (and canine epilepsy) so you’re prepared and your pup is cared for.

A new study finds that physical exercise could keep your dog sharp. Time for walkies!

A new report finds that one in three dogs and one in seven cats have unhealthy levels of E. coli present in their gut microbiome.

Learn the signs to look out for this condition.

Bloat is one of the leading causes of death in deep-chested dogs. This elective surgery can lower the risk.

Eyes without tears are only for Cameron Diaz in The Holiday.

Breeds with those squished-in faces are charming — but their health issues are not.

The biggest thing to keep in mind: vaccines.

A key number to remember here: 21.

Don’t take it personally — even if that’s hard to do.

The gnarly scoop on canine transmissible venereal tumors.

Just like your doctor would refer to you a specialist for expert care for a complicated issue, your vet may do the same for your dog.

Dogs sniffing around in the dry soils of the Southwest are prone to this unique fungal disease.

Yikes! A new strain of tick-borne disease Rickettsia could infect pets and their people.

I’m Not Lazy...
If hypothyroidism is to blame, it’s best not to let sleeping dogs lie.

This teeny tweezer is more powerful than you think.
If your pup's exuberant tail wagging has led to injury, they could have this condition.

If your senior dog seems confused, restless, or irritable after dark, they may have sundowners syndrome. Here’s how to deal.

Seriously, though. The Dog Aging Project is looking for participants.

Watching your pet suffer a seizure can make you feel helpless. We asked three veterinarians to weigh in on natural remedies that show promise.

Acral lick dermatitis is a frustrating skin condition, but new treatments offer hope.

The word cancer can set alarm bells, turn down the volume by brushing up on cancer basics.

A new study finds that small dog breeds are at higher risk for dental disease.

Yes, dogs can get tetanus too — and not just from rusty nails.

Do English Bulldogs Face Extinction?
One of the most popular breeds in the world is also one of the least genetically diverse, causing huge implications for the breed.

It might sound obvious, but these rodenticides are harmful to pups.
Help! Why does my dog smell so bad?

Heartworm disease is as gnarly as it sounds. Here’s how to prevent a horror story from coming true for your pet.

The deadly disease is most common in autumn and late summer. Find out how to keep your pup safe.

Beware of Bloat in Dogs
Consider it the mother of all dog emergencies — if your dog has it, take them to the vet ASAP. Learn how to spot the condition and how it's treated.

This little-known disease can cause big problems for pups in the Pacific Northwest.

Sadly, yes — one in four dogs will develop mammary tumors — but there's an easy way to prevent them.

A fascination with lights and shadows is common in high-energy dogs — but it can develop into obsessive-compulsive disorder if it gets out of hand.

Researchers identify the gene that causes bladder stones, thanks to a few Dalmatians.

Research on Golden Retrievers may help reduce the risk of cancer in all dogs.

Braces are actually the most gentle way of dealing with your dog’s malocclusion (aka a “bad bite”).

The disease inhibits your dog's ability to use their legs. One writer shares how the condition is diagnosed — and how you can help your dog stay mobile.

What to do when your pup can’t poop.

Learn the signs and symptoms of this dangerous pathogen.

Active yeast puts dogs at risk for obstruction and alcohol poisoning.

Providing vets, pets and their people with a better way to do chemotherapy and radiation.

Who knew this was something to worry about?

Does your pup have a pot belly? Have you noticed something moving in their poop? Yep — it’s time to talk about puppy parasites.

Veterinarians must do more to discourage the breeding of animals with conditions known to seriously compromise their welfare.

A common canine cancer, described

This natural remedy may prove to be a key for managing symptoms without side effects.

Osteosarcoma in dogs can strike various parts of their body, from the limbs to the jawbone. Don't delay, learn about the causes and impact of osteosarcoma on your pup.

The sooner you catch this common cancer, the better your chances are for giving your dog many more happy, healthy years.

When there’s an extra whooshing sound as the heart beats, that’s a heart murmur. Here’s what you need to know.

If heartworm happened to my dog, it can happen to yours.

Take a close look at the role CBD oil may play in a veterinarian-approved treatment plan for osteoarthritis.

Dog melanoma can develop in many places on a dog’s body. Don’t wait, find out what causes melanoma and its effects.

Everything you need to know about canine physical rehabilitation.

Your dog is sluggish, withdrawn, and avoids his food bowl — is it inflammatory bowel disease?

Poisonous species are more common than you might think.

This innovative treatment has its pros and cons — but it may be an effective treatment for conditions like osteoarthritis.

For dogs with Alzheimer’s, confusion may reign as light falls.

If you’re home brewing beer, beware of this highly toxic bitter plant.

Veterinarians help suffering dogs by regrowing bones.

Do Placebos Work on Animals?
Is it all in their heads?