Can Dogs Eat Honeydew?
Some parts of the fruit salad are a no-go (ahem, grapes). What about this melon?

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Yes, honeydew makes a great snack for dogs. This tasty melon can aid in digestion, hydration, and boosting the immune system. But, like any treat, it’s best in moderation and there are potential risks to keep in mind before feeding to your pup. We talked with Dr. Antje Joslin, a veterinarian at Dogtopiaopens in a new tab, about the specifics of honeydew and your dog.
Nutrition facts: Honeydew for dogs
Is honeydew good for dogs?
Honeydew can be a healthy treat for your dog that comes with some potential benefits:

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opens in a new tabHydration: A high water content with few calories is great for hydrating your dog.
Digestion: Honeydew is packed with dietary fiber that helps alleviate constipation opens in a new taband keeps your dog feeling fuller.
Immunity: Being rich in potassium, vitamin C, and vitamin B6 can boost your dog’s immune system.
“Honeydew is low in calories and contains potassium, fiber, and vitamins B6 and C,” Dr. Joslin says. “It’s also high in water, which can help keep your dog hydrated.”
Can dogs eat honeydew rind?
No, you should avoid feeding your dog any honeydew with the rind still on it. The rind is hard to digest and can lead to GI upsetopens in a new tab or intestinal blockages. The seeds are also good to remove. They may not be toxic to dogs, but they are also difficult to digest in large quantities and pose a choking hazardopens in a new tab in small dogs. Dr. Joslin says it’s especially important to remove both the rinds and the seeds before letting your dog go anywhere near this fruit.
Are honeydew melons completely safe for dogs?
While honeydew is a generally healthy snack, it’s also high in sugar and should be given sparingly to your dog to avoid obesityopens in a new tab and GI issues. To be clear, there are not ideal treats for dogs with diabetesopens in a new tab because of the sugar content. “Melons are naturally high in sugar, so limit the amount and frequency of feeding fruit to your pet,” Dr. Joslin adds.
And, like we mentioned, the rind and seeds can cause an upset stomach and potential intestinal blockages in dogs and should be removed before feeding them.
Other foods that are safe for dogs
If you want the protein and fiber contents without the sugar, green beansopens in a new tab are a great food additive for your dog.
Similar to honeydew, mangos are rich in fiber aopens in a new tabnd vitamin C, but should be given in moderation because of the high sugar content.
Sweet potatoesopens in a new tab are loaded with nutrients, such as Vitamin C, antioxidants, potassium, fiber, and magnesium.
Other foods that are dangerous
While we enjoy it and wish our dog could, too, chocolate is at the topopens in a new tab of the “don’t feed” list.
Unfortunately, sharing your ice creamopens in a new tab on a hot day isn’t in the cards for your dog.
Pecans may be an easy snack opens in a new tabfor us, but they are extremely toxic to dogs.
The bottom line: Can dogs eat human food?
There are human foods that are safe for your dog to eatopens in a new tab, including honeydew. But before feeding your dog anything new, it’s important to talk with your vet about potential risks. This is especially true for dogs with underlying health conditions, like diabetes or hypothyroidism. And it’s important to remember that treats should make up no more than 10 percent opens in a new tabof your dog’s diet. Even healthy treats should always be introduced slowly and given in moderation!
FAQs (People also ask):
Can dogs eat honeydew?
Yes, honeydew is safe for dogs to eat, but should be given in moderation due to the high sugar content. It’s also important for pet parents to remove the seeds and rind before feeding to avoid stomach upset and potential intestinal blockages.
Is honeydew good for dogs?
Honeydew contains a variety of nutrients like vitamins B6, C, and K, along with potassium and magnesium that can aid in digestion and boost the immune system. It’s also high in sugar, though, and should be given sparingly to avoid GI issues and obesity.
How much honeydew can a dog eat?
The exact amount your dog can eat will depend on their size, but typically a small handful of cut-up honeydew is enough for your dog to enjoy without overdoing it.

Emily Johnson
Emily Johnson is a long-time pet writer and animal lover, working with brands like PetMD, Rover, and more. You can typically find Emily with a cat in her lap and a Diet Coke in hand, exploring the outdoors with her pup, or tending to her jungle of indoor plants.
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