What Can Dogs Eat?
If you have questioned which foods are OK for your pup, look no further for answers. Our experts weigh in on which foods are safe, foods that are toxic, safety tips and commonly asked questions.
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Can Your Dog Eat Bacon? Find Out if This Snack Is Healthy
They may love the smell of this treat, but they shouldn’t be eating it all the time. Here’s why.
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Can Dogs Eat Fish? Learn If Fish Is Healthy or Toxic
Plus, learn which kinds of fish your dog can have.
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Can Dogs Have Marshmallows? Learn if They Are Toxic
They seem harmless... until they’re not.
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Can Dogs Eat Walnuts?
Just because they want to eat everything, doesn't mean they necessarily should.
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Can Dogs Eat Pork? How to Make This Tasty Treat for Your Pup
There's a reason why it's not normally in dog food. Here’s how to make it safe for your pup.
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Oatmeal Could Be Good for Your Dog? Our Experts Explain Why
Why this snack could make a good addition to your dog’s diet.
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Can Dogs Eat Cranberries? Learn if They Are Toxic or Not
Read this before sharing your snack with your dog.
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Can Dogs Eat Raisins? Learn if Raisins Are Toxic to Them
It’s best to think twice about bringing this snack near your dog.
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Can You Give Dogs Pedialyte?
Spoiler alert: It’s not necessarily good for your dehydrated dog.
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Can Dogs Eat Carrots?
Yep—this crunchy, sweet vegetable is a great addition to your dog’s diet.
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Can Dogs Eat Turkey?
Before you invite them to the Thanksgiving table, here’s what you should know.
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Can Dogs Eat Sweet Potatoes?
Add it to the list of healthy human superfoods pups can eat, too.
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Can Dogs Eat Pumpkin?
The superfood is delicious, and it’s a natural remedy for some common pup ailments.
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Can Dogs Eat Raw Chicken?
They’re definitely curious about what you’re chopping over there on the cutting board...
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10 Superfoods You Should Share With Your New Dog
From kale to quinoa, these nutrient-packed picks deserve a spot in your dog’s food bowl.
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Can Dogs Eat Strawberries?
In moderation, strawberries are a tasty, healthy treat for your pup.
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Can Dogs Eat Pineapple?
Pineapple is a healthy, sweet treat for dogs—as long as you feed it to your pup in moderation.
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Can Dogs Eat Blueberries?
Yep—blueberries are a fiber and antioxidant-packed snack for your pup.
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Can Dogs Eat Honeydew?
Some parts of the fruit salad are a no-go (ahem, grapes). What about this melon?
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Can Dogs Eat Tomatoes?
Bite-size pieces of ripe, red tomatoes are safe—but you should skip the marinara sauce.
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Can Dogs Eat Corn Cobs?
Why you should never let a dog make a chew toy out of this food at a barbecue.
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Can Dogs Eat Pears?
It can be a fruit with an acquired taste, but can your pup... acquire it?
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Can Dogs Eat Rib Bones?
It’s about to be barbecue season, but that doesn’t mean your pup should take part.
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Can Dogs Eat Peanuts?
Peanuts are a great occasional protein-packed snack, but pay attention to this guidance.
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Can Dogs Eat Potatoes?
We know they are your adorable little potato, but can they snack on one?
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Can Cats Eat Butter?
Butter isn’t toxic to your cat—but despite what they tell you, they really shouldn’t eat it.
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Can Dogs Eat Gingerbread?
It’s the perfect festive treat for the holidays. But definitely not for your dog—learn why.
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Can Dogs Eat Butternut Squash?
Your winter farmers’ market is full of the stuff. Find out if your dog can have some.
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Can Dogs Eat Ham?
That might be what you’re having for the holidays, but read here to see if your dog can partake.
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Can Dogs Eat Shrimp?
Is your pup a seafood fan? Find out everything you need to know about feeding them shrimp.
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Can My Dog Eat Honey? Learn If Honey Is Beneficial or Harmful For Dogs
They shouldn’t exactly have their paw constantly in the honey jar, but the sweet stuff can be beneficial in some cases.
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Can Your Dog Eat Watermelon?
Yep, you can share watermelon with your pup — but there are a few safety tips to keep in mind.
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Can Dogs Eat Cucumbers?
That cuke crunch is irresistible. Learn if your dog can get in on that action.
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10 Fruits and Vegetables That Your Dog Can Feast On
Indulge your pup (safely) with these delicious and healthy snacks.
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Can Dogs Eat Peanut Butter?
Elvis famously loved peanut butter. So, can your “Hound dog” lap it up, too?
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Can Dogs Eat Bread?
The short answer: yes — in moderation. It’s better to go easy on this carb-heavy treat.
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Can Dogs Eat Almonds (and Other Nuts)?
This healthy snack for humans isn't so healthy for your pup. Here's why it's best to avoid them.