heavy petting
- lifestyle
Is It OK to Judge Someone Else’s Dog-Parenting Style?
Whether they are a pal or a partner, you’ll have opinions. Here’s what you should (and shouldn’t) do with them.
- lifestyle
I’m Using My Dog to Get Out of Dating—Is That Bad?
It's OK, as long as you own your reason for doing it.
- lifestyle
Should I Stop Dating Someone My Dog Doesn’t Like?
If your pup isn’t a fan, it could mean something. But maybe not everything. Here’s why.
- lifestyle
Does My Dog Miss the Guy I Was Dating?
You don’t want to see your ex again, but your pup might. Here’s what you can do.
- lifestyle
How Do I Get People to Accept That I Hate Dating and My Dogs Are All I Need?
People love to be nosy. Here’s how to fend them off—because you’re happy, dang it!
- lifestyle
My Dog Is Perfect—But Should I Put His Picture in My Dating Profile?
Who better to answer this burning question than someone who met their husband because of a cute dog photo.
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Help! I Think My Dog Is Trying to Sabotage My Relationship
One reader’s dog won't stop barking at her partner—what do you do with a jealous pup?
- lifestyle
You and Your Partner Disagree on How to Parent Your Dog—What Now?
One person is a no-fuss type and the other spoils the pup silly. What’s the compromise?
- lifestyle
Are You Guilty of Using Your Dog as an Excuse to Stay Home?
Your S.O. planned a date night out, but the dog is looking so cuddly on the couch...
- lifestyle
Does Your Pet Like One Person in Your Relationship More?
Pet jealousy can become a thing if one partner feels like the cat or dog is just not that into them.
- lifestyle
What Does Your Love Language Say About You as a Pet Parent?
We all give and receive love in our own way, pets included.
- lifestyle
So, You and Your Partner Want to Live Together—But Your Pets Don’t
Your cat can’t hide from the dog in the attic forever. What do you do now?
- lifestyle
Does Your Dog Hate When You and Your Partner Fight?
Here are the signs they’re trying to get you to stop.
- lifestyle
Is Raising a Dog With Someone Anything Like Raising a Kid Together?
It’s the great puppy versus baby debate.
- lifestyle
Should You Kick Your Pet Out of the Room When You Have Sex?
And what to do if you and your partner can’t agree on whether you should have an audience.
- lifestyle
What Happens When the Love of Your Life Is Allergic to the Other Love of Your Life?
You don’t have to choose between your S.O. and your dog or cat — but here’s what may need to happen.
- lifestyle
What to Do When Your Partner Isn’t Pulling Their Weight With Your Pet
So you don’t have to be annoyed anymore.
- lifestyle
When Is It Too Early to Get a Dog Together?
You’re in love, but is it irresponsible to add four paws to the mix? Here ’s some input for your consideration.
- lifestyle
Three’s a Crowd: When One Partner Doesn’t Want the Dog in the Bed
You want them to cuddle up, your S.O. doesn’t. Here’s how to handle the great bed debate.
- lifestyle
How to Woo Your Way Into Your New Partner’s Pet’s Heart
Meeting your new partner’s pet is an honor — winning them over is another story. Here are some tips for being friends with your significant other's best animal pal.
- lifestyle
Should You Put Your Pet in Your Dating Profile?
Yesterday was “Dating Sunday” on the apps. Apparently, your pet pic is a great way to find a match.
- lifestyle
How to Stop Your Dog From Ruining Your Sex Life
Expert advice on what to do when doggy style doesn’t mean what it used to.
- lifestyle
What Does It Take to Co-Parent a Pet With Your Ex?
It’s definitely not for everyone. Here are five stories of pet co-parenting to keep in mind.